
推動科技成果轉化• PROMOTING TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 39 about by the rapid development of the Guangdong‑Hong Kong‑Macao Greater Bay Area, the university has actively promoted Chinese medicine research and development (R&D) in Hengqin by establishing a centre for industry‑academia collaboration in the area and working with the Industrial Park.UM also collaborates with well‑known pharmaceutical companies in the Greater Bay Area to promote R&D, registration, and industrialisation of granules based on classic formulas in traditional Chinese medicine, in order to promote the standardisation and internationalisation of Chinese medicine. Achievements in Smart City Development and Internet of Things In the field of internet of things for smart city development, UM has also made great progress. In 2010, a team of UM professors and mainland experts initiated a project titled ‘The Study of the Fundamental Theories and Design Methodologies on the Internet of Things’. The project was approved and funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China under the ‘973 Programme’ (also known as the National Basic Research Programme). In 2018, UM received approval from the Ministry of Science and Technology to establish the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City. The laboratory is headed by Prof Yonghua Song, current rector of UM and an internationally renowned expert in power systems. Since its establishment, the laboratory of internet of things has carried out a series of research projects that aim to address some of the pressing needs of Macao. One of the projects is titled ‘Key Technologies and Platforms for Collaborative Intelligence‑driven Autonomous Vehicles’, which was jointly conducted with companies and institutions outside the university. The project bore fruit in 2020, with the first autonomous bus in Macao becoming operational on UM’s campus on a trial basis. During this period, data will be collected for analysis in preparation for future testing on public roads in Macao. ‘Developing autonomous vehicle technologies has become a global trend,’ says Prof Song. ‘UM will write a new chapter in public transport for smart city development in Macao and the Greater Bay Area by commercialising key research results that are impactful and innovative.’ 實驗室成立兩年來,開拓了不少緊扣 澳門所需的科研,其中包括由實驗室主 導、眾多企業和機構合力開展的「協 同智能驅動的無人駕駛關鍵技術與平 台」,2020年澳門首台自動駕駛巴士 在澳大校園啟用,用以收集行駛數據作 分析,為自動車輛將來在澳門的公共道 路行駛做好準備。宋永華說:「開發自 動駕駛車輛技術已趨向世界性潮流,澳 大會以具影響力和創新的重點研究成果 轉化,為澳門乃至大灣區的智慧城市的 大眾運輸寫下新的篇章。」 完善智慧產權管理及支援創企 近年,澳大積極進一步推動科研成果 轉化為有實際作用的產品和服務,其 中一步是建立完整的智慧產權管理制 度。2018年,澳大成立研究服務及知 識轉移辦公室。此外,由澳大全資擁有 的澳大創科有限公司在2019年改組, 目前專門負責澳大智慧財產權的管理和 產業化。 澳大亦著力鼓勵與科研相關的創 業。2017年設立創新創業中心,2018 年迎來首批創業團隊入駐孵化,這 些團隊大部分均涉及科技成果的轉 化。2019年初,在澳大發展基金會支 持下,首批20支入駐團隊獲頒起步資 高性能鋅—空氣電池 High‑performance zinc‑air batteries