
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 40 Perfecting Intellectual Property Management and Supporting Tech Startups A key step to transforming research results into useful products and services is establishing a sound intellectual property management system. In 2018, UM established the Research Services and Knowledge Transfer Office. In addition, UM has a wholly‑owned subsidiary, UMTec Limited, which was restructured in 2019, to take care of the management and commercialisation of the university's intellectual property. UM also supports research‑based startups. In 2017, the university established the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE). In 2018, the centre welcomed the first batch of entrepreneurial teams, most of which were in the process of commercialising the university’s research results. In early 2019, with the support of the University of Macau Development Foundation, CIE awarded initial funds to the first 20 entrepreneurial teams incubated in the centre, two of which deserve special mention. One is led by Prof Xu Renhe in the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS), and has developed a technology that enables storage of stem cells at room temperature. The other, led by Prof Poon Chuen Wai in the same faculty, works on a series of innovative protein molecule detection products and services for clinical and research applications. The two teams have won numerous awards at regional and international competitions for their projects, and have even been approached by interested investors. Currently, they are discussing the possibility of collaboration with medical institutions in the Greater Bay Area. Other notable examples of successful incubation through CIE include two teams, led by Prof Hui Kwun Nam in the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, and Prof Liu Tzu‑Ming in FHS, respectively. With CIE’s support, Prof Hui, along with some postgraduate students and alumni, established Olaite Energy Technology Company Limited (Companhia de Tecnologia de Energia Olaite, Limitada), which specialises in developing safer and environmentally friendly batteries with a higher energy density. The other company, co‑founded by Prof Liu Tzu‑Ming and his team, is named ‘Catydid’. The company has developed a blood fluorometre that allows medical professionals to measure the fluorescence in the blood samples to help detect serious illnesses, such as sepsis, shock, kidney failure, and heart failure, at an early stage. (由上至下)徐仁和教授及潘全威教授團隊、許冠南教授 團隊、劉子銘教授團隊。 (Top to buttom) Prof Xu Renhe and Prof Poon Chuen Wai’s teams, Prof Hui Kwun Nam and his team, Prof Liu Tzu‑Ming and his team