
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 48 所幼兒導師培訓等多類課程,還舉辦 大灣區政府高端培訓團和跨境學生交 流團。2020年4至7月,CCE推出 「中小企業營商培訓課程」,在嚴格 遵守防疫措施的前提下,在疫情期間 為任職於本地中小企業的人士提供免 費進修。 助政府人才梯隊建設 澳大2020年成立公共行政培訓中心, 澳門行政長官賀一誠在公共行政培訓 中心啟用儀式暨首屆公務人員領導力 培訓班開課典禮上跟學員談話時表 示,對首屆公務人員領導力培訓班 寄予厚望,期望持續開辦培訓課程, 助力特區政府人才的梯隊建設。 公共行政培訓中心主任、法學院教授 稅兵表示,「公務人員領導力培訓 Kong‑Macao Greater Bay Area, CCE has developed courses in a wide variety of subjects, including financial data analysis, construction safety, big data, electromechanical engineering, quantity surveying, Montessori education, and training for early childhood trainers in nurseries. In addition to regular courses, the centre has also offered training for senior civil servants from cities in the Greater Bay Area and organised cross‑border student exchange trips. During the epidemic period from April to July 2020, CCE launched courses to provide free training opportunities for owners and employees of small‑ and medium‑sized enterprises (SMEs) in Macao under strict compliance with epidemic prevention measures. 行政長官賀一誠(右一)對首屆公務人員領導力培訓班寄予厚望 Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng (1st from right) has high expectations for participants in the inaugural leadership training course for civil servants 稅兵教授 Prof Shui Bing