
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 50 政府和高等院校都沒有關於博彩的研究 或數據。但經過我們多年努力,在政府 的信任和支持下,ISCG的研究及數據 已能為政府制訂政策時提供參考。」 ISCG還開辦「賭場管理文憑」課程 及「博彩管理高級文憑」,為博彩從 業員及有意投身博彩業的人士提供培 訓,推動博彩業管理專業化和增強從 業員的競爭力。目前,ISCG還與澳大 各學院合作,開展關於成癮機制與預 防、博彩與決策的腦科學等方面的跨 學科研究。這些研究將有助揭示成癮 的神經機制,並且找出可能的干預和 治療方法。 參與基本法起草 澳大在澳門實施「一國兩制」,包括 在基本法的起草和落實中發揮重要作 用。法學院的教師一直積極參與一些 重要法律的起草和翻譯,提供法律 政策諮詢和為政府法律官員提供培訓 cooperation and e‑government, with the aim of nurturing innovative talent to provide solutions for public sector reform.’ Gaming Study Helps the Government in Policy Making The Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming (ISCG), established in 2003, is the first institute in Macao to conduct gaming research, to provide related policy advice and training courses, and to promote responsible gambling in collaboration with government departments and social organisations. As the director of ISCG, Davis Fong Ka Chio, a professor in the Faculty of Business Administration, is also the first person to study gaming in Macao. ‘In the early stage of Macao’s handover, no one thought of doing research on gaming, and neither the government nor the higher education institutions had any data on gaming,’ says Prof Fong. ‘However, with our efforts over the years, and thanks to the government’s confidence and support, ISCG has collected an adequate amount of data and conducted various studies, which will serve as a basis for the Macao SAR government in 博彩研究所與各學院跨學科合作研究成癮機制與預防 ISCG works with various faculties to study the mechanisms that underlie addiction and addiction prevention