
提供多元社會服務• PROVIDING VARIOUS SERVICES TO SOCIETY 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 51 formulating related policies.’ ISCG offers a Diploma in Casino Management programme and an Advanced Diploma in Gaming Management programme for gaming industry employees and those who are interested in joining the industry. Through these training programmes, the institute aims to professionalise gaming management and boost the competitiveness of the industry’s human resources. Currently, ISCG is working with various faculties at UM to conduct interdisciplinary research on the mechanisms of gaming addiction, addiction prevention, as well as the neuroscience of gaming and decision making. Prof Fong notes that the studies could help uncover the neural mechanisms of addiction and explore possible interventions and treatments. Involvement in Drafting the Basic Law UM plays an important role in the implementation of the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ policy in Macao, which includes the drafting and implementation of the Basic Law. Faculty members in FLL have been involved in the drafting and translation of 等。法學院教授駱偉建於2001年來 到澳大,此前他在基本法起草階段已 參與相關工作,可以說全程見證基本 法的起草和誕生。他認為,澳大在基 本法的誕生過程發揮了重要作用,也 為其實施作出重要貢獻。 編寫歷史和法律教材 澳大憲法與基本法研究中心於2018 年成立,由駱偉建教授擔任主任。過 去兩年來,駱教授走進澳門社會和 中小學推廣憲法和基本 法,此外,還跟澳 門基本法推廣協 會長期合作, 開辦很多面向 社會人士的基 本法培訓。他 說:「中心為 本澳各政府部 門、社團機構等 推動憲法和基本法 法學院設模擬法庭讓學生瞭解法庭運作 The Moot Court of FLL helps students learn more about how a court operates 駱偉建教授 Prof Lok Wai Kin