
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 52 培訓。2020年已完成本澳中、 小學的憲法及基本法教學材料, 亦將為特區政府公務人員培訓編 寫相關教材,將用於各項教學和 推廣當中。」 由澳大的中國歷史文化中心、孔子 學院、中葡雙語教學暨培訓中心、 澳門研究中心及藝術設計中心組成 的「澳門中小學生人文社科教育基 地」於2018年成立,為本地中小學 生提供全人發展的機會。中國歷史 文化中心正編寫中國歷史教學輔助 材料供中、小學參考,並設有「中 國歷史文化推廣基地」,將推動更 多中小學加入,加強推廣愛國愛澳 教育及弘揚中華文化。 important laws, providing advice on legal policies and training for government officials in the legal sector. One of the examples is Prof Lok Wai Kin, who was responsible for duties related to the drafting of the Basic Law before joining UM in 2001. It can be said that he witnessed the drafting and birth of the Basic Law of Macao SAR. According to Prof Lok, UM played a significant role in the birth of the Basic Law and has also made important contributions to its implementation. Compiling Teaching Materials on History and Law The Centre for Constitutional Law and Basic Law Studies at UM was inaugurated in 2018, with Prof Lok as the director. Over the past two years, Prof Lok serving has promoted the constitution and the Basic Law in different parts of society, including primary and secondary schools. In addition, he has been working with an association for the promotion of the Basic Law to provide training for the community. ‘The centre has been providing training on 滙聚澳大文教單位的崇文樓於2019年揭幕 The inauguration ceremony for UM's Cultural Building in 2019