
提供多元社會服務• PROVIDING VARIOUS SERVICES TO SOCIETY 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 53 the constitution and the Basic Law to various government departments and organisations,’ says Prof Lok. ‘It has completed compiling teaching materials for local primary and secondary schools in 2020, and will continue to prepare relevant materials for civil servants in the SAR government.’ The Macao Base for Primary & Secondary Education in Humanities & Social Sciences, formed by UM’s Centre for Chinese History and Culture (CCHC), Confucius Institute, Chinese‑Portuguese Bilingual Teaching and Training Centre, and CMS, was inaugurated in 2018, to provide whole‑person education to primary and secondary school students in Macao from an early age. As part of the base, CCHC is currently compiling supplementary teaching materials on Chinese history for primary and secondary schools. It has also set up a base for the promotion of Chinese history and culture and will encourage local primary and secondary schools to become partners in order to strengthen patriotic education and promote Chinese culture. PISA研究助制訂教育政策 教育學院創院以來,提供各類培訓課 程和學位課程,提升澳門教師的專業水 平。學院人員還通過研究協助特區政 府制定教育政策。成立於2006年的教 育測驗與評核研究中心(ETARC),是 澳門教育測驗與評核領域的重要科研 單位,一直與海內外教育測驗評量機 構和國際學術研究團隊合作,包括: 與經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)合作 開展三年一度的「學生能力國際評估 計劃」(PISA);與內地高等院校合 作,參與由中國教育部督導的「中國 基礎教育質量監測」之科學和語文科 監測工具的研發等。 張國祥教授1992年入職澳大,自 ETARC成立起擔任主任至今。他談到 這些年的研究時,印象特別深刻的 PISA研究助澳門特區政府制定教育政策 The PISA study helps the Macao SAR government formulate education policies