
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 54 是,當初澳門PISA 2009結果顯示學 生的閱讀能力較弱,消息引起教育界 相當關注。隨後,ETARC的研究人員 詳細分析澳門學生的閱讀表現,並向 不同持分者推廣相關的研究結果和教 學建議。近年來,隨著特區政府持續 加大教育投入,澳大和其他師資培訓 機構開展很多針對閱讀推廣和課堂教 學的實務工作,加強了教師的專業能 力,學生的閱讀素養表現持續提升。 他說:「分析PISA研究計劃所反映的 澳門基礎教育系統存在的問題和薄弱 環節,能有效地銜接教育政策、 教育實踐與教育研究的各個 部分,並為特區政府的 科學施政提供紮實的 研究基礎,進而能夠 系統化地推進澳門基 礎教育系統,朝著高 素養表現、高教育公 平和高身心福祉的目 標邁進。」 創新科技服務社會 在科技和工程領域,澳大一批教研團 隊長期而積極地服務社會,為政府、 專營公司和機構的大小工程貢獻專業 意見。澳大也透過智慧城市物聯網國 家重點實驗室,與澳門電力股份有限 公司、澳門電訊、澳門自來水股份有 限公司、南光石油化工有限公司、港 珠澳大橋管理局等建立合作,將會開 展智慧能源、5G應用、環境污 染、天然氣、基建與設備運 維等合作研發項目,提 升澳門智慧城市科技創 新水平和產業應用服 務水平。 研究城市配電網的科 技學院助理院長、智 慧城市物聯網國家重 點實驗室副教授戴寧怡 表示,近年澳大與本地 PISA Study Helps Shape Education Policies The Faculty of Education (FED) offers a wide range of training courses and degree programmes to improve the quality of teachers in Macao while faculty members engage in educational research to assist the Macao SAR government in formulating education policies. The Educational Testing and Assessment Research Centre (ETARC), founded in 2006, is an important research unit in the field of educational testing and assessment in Macao, and has conducted various research projects through collaboration with domestic and international agencies and academic research teams. Some of the notable projects include the triennial Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), which is conducted in collaboration with the Organisation for Economic Co‑operation and Development, and the development of science and language evaluation tools, a project jointly conducted with mainland universities for the National Assessment Centre for Education Quality under the Ministry of Education of China. Prof Cheung Kwok Cheung in FED joined UM in 1992, and has been the director of ETARC since its establishment. When talking about his career in education research, Prof Cheung says that he was particularly struck by Macao’s PISA results in 2009 as they showed that local students' reading performance was relatively weak. The news aroused considerable concern in the education sector. As a response, ETARC researchers conducted a detailed analysis of the reading performance of local students and disseminated the findings as well as teaching recommendations to different stakeholders, with the aim of helping students improve reading skills. In recent years, as the Macao SAR government continues to increase its investment in education, teacher training institutions, such as UM, have done a lot of work aimed at promoting reading and classroom teaching. The work has proved effective as teachers have strengthened their skills and the reading performance of students has steadily increased. ‘Knowing the problems and weaknesses in Macao’ s basic education system, such as those reflected in the PISA 戴寧怡教授 Prof Dai Ningyi 張國祥教授 Prof Cheung Kwok Cheung