
提供多元社會服務• PROVIDING VARIOUS SERVICES TO SOCIETY 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 55 澳大與本澳多間專營公司開展研究項目,包括智慧能源系統。 UM collaborates with local companies on different research projects, including those on intelligent energy systems. 電力公司通力合作,令供電品質及電 網可靠度進一步提升:「我們團隊的 研究關注城市的智慧能源系統,協力 解決能源的清潔、高效和可靠性的問 題,將會著力配合特區政府的智慧城 市建設,以創新科技服務社會。」 提供工程品質檢測服務 隨著澳門經濟發展,特區政府從 2003年起有序開展眾多大型工程和 基建項目,對工程的質量監管和技術 支援需求日增。澳大遂於2003年成立工 程研究及檢測中心(CERT),提供檢 測及監督工程服務。澳大一批實力雄 厚的師資團隊為CERT提供技術支援、 專業建議和服務。因應發展需要,澳 大正計劃將CERT重新組建為澳大全資 results, we are able to bridge the gaps between educational policies, practices, and research studies, and together they provide a solid research foundation for the Macao SAR government to carry out policies based on scientific evidence, which will not only promote basic education in Macao, but will also enhance student performance, create education equity in society, and maintain the physical and mental well‑being of all local residents,’ says Prof Cheung. Serving Society with Innovative Technology In terms of technology and engineering, faculty members at UM actively engage in community service, providing professional advice to the SAR government as well as local companies and organisations on projects