
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 56 擁有的公司並名為——澳大工程研究 及檢測中心有限公司(UMCERT), 全力提升工程品質及檢驗方面的專業 服務。 土木及環境工程系副教授高冠鵬多年 來參與了CERT的監測工程服務,並擔 任環境諮詢委員會副主席、交通諮詢 委員會委員等,他說:「服務澳門是 要用心去做,當擁有社會服務經驗再 在課堂上跟學生分享就會顯得更有說 服力,也讓學生明白其所學在社會上 是如何應用的。」 支持社區科 學推廣 澳大也在 科普教育 方面作出 重要貢獻, 以其先進的 實驗室設備 of all sizes. Through the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City (SKLIOTSC), UM has established collaborative relationships with Companhia de Electricidade de Macau (CEM, the local electricity company), Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau (CTM, a local telecommunications service provider), Macao Water Supply Company Limited, Nam Kwong Petroleum and Chemicals Company Limited, and the Hong Kong‑Zhuhai‑Macao Bridge Authority, to carry out R&D projects in smart energy, 5G applications, environmental pollution control, natural gas, infrastructure, and equipment operation and maintenance, which aim to enhance technological innovation for smart city development in Macao, as well as the industrial applications of these technologies. Prof Dai Ningyi, assistant dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) and associate professor in SKLIOTSC, is an expert in urban power distribution networks. According to her, UM has been working closely with CEM to improve the quality of electricity supply and grid reliability. ‘Our research studies focus on creating smart energy systems for cities and solving problems in the supply of clean, efficient and reliable energy,’ says Prof Dai. ‘We will continue to work with the SAR government to promote smart city development and serve the community with innovative technology.’ Providing Engineering Quality Inspection With the development of the economy after the handover, large‑scale public construction and infrastructure projects have begun one after another in Macao since 2003. To respond to the Macao SAR government’s increasing demand for quality control and technical support in engineering, the Centre for Engineering Research and Testing (CERT) was established at UM in the same year to provide professional service in engineering inspection and monitoring. The centre is supported by a team of UM faculty members with strong technical backgrounds. UM plans to restructure CERT into a wholly‑owned subsidiary named UMCERT Engineering Research and Testing Limited to provide professional services in engineering quality and inspection. Associate Professor Kou Kun Pang in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering has been involved in CERT's engineering monitoring services for 工程研究及檢測研究中心為業界提供檢測及監督工程服務 CERT provides professional services in engineering inspection and monitoring 高冠鵬教授 Prof Kou Kun Pang