
提供多元社會服務• PROVIDING VARIOUS SERVICES TO SOCIETY 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 57 many years. He has also served as the vice chairman of the SAR government’s environment advisory committee as well as a member of its transport advisory committee. ‘Serving the local community is something that you have to do with your heart,’ says Prof Kou. ‘Now that I have gained some experience in social services, my sharing with students will be more convincing and hopefully will help them apply their knowledge in society.’ Supporting Community Science Outreach In addition to technical support, UM has also made important contributions to society in science popularisation. For instance, it uses advanced laboratory equipment on campus to enhance science education for primary and secondary school students. In 2015, the Macao Science and Technology Development Fund and UM signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on various issues, including the establishment of Centre for Science and Engineering Promotion. According to the 完善中小學生科學教育。2015年, 澳門科學技術發展基金與澳大簽訂了 「科普合作備忘錄」,當中包括建立 科學暨工程科普推廣中心(下稱科普 中心),善用大學的設備和支援,旨 在大幅提升澳門學生的科學素養。 2018年成立的「澳門中小學生科技實 踐基地」以科普中心為核心,推行了 一系列STEM教育計劃,支持社區科 學推廣活動,為中小學師生提供可持 續培訓。基地善用澳大的科研資源, 澳中小學提供全面的STEM教育和 活動。科普中心持續組織及舉辦相關 活動,包括與葡萄牙國家科學暨技術 文化推廣署簽署合作框架協議,進一 步落實雙方在STEM教育的合作,提 高兩地大眾對科普的關注;以及支援 澳門科學技術發展基金主辦的尖子培 訓項目——潛能拓展計劃,為澳門學 澳門學生參與科普活動 Macao students participate in a science popularisation activity