
2021年,是澳門大學成員翹首以盼的不 惑校慶之年。 澳大創校40年以來,在社會各界的鼎力 支持、師生職員的奮鬥下砥礪前行,銳 意進取,已發展成為一所中西多元融合 的國際化綜合性大學,為澳門高等教育 的發展貢獻重要的力量。 今天的澳大,秉承「仁、義、禮、知、 信」優良校訓傳統,致力孕育具有創新 思維、家國情懷、國際視野、全球競爭 力和世界擔當的優秀人才。40載化雨春 風,桃李芬香,我們已培養了近60,000 名校友,遍及世界各地,在各自專業領 域克盡己責,成為推動社會建設和發展 的中流砥柱。 在中央政府和澳門特區政府的關懷和支 持下,澳大辦學規模不斷擴展。位於橫 琴島的新校園在2013年啟用後,引入住 宿式書院系統,實踐全人教育;延攬更 多來自世界各地的優秀教研人員,學術 研究突飛猛進,果實纍纍。 因應社會發展及市場需求,澳大不斷完 善學科建設和規劃研究佈局。近年形成 「3+3+3+3」為骨幹的研究戰略佈局, 鼓勵跨學科合作,推動科技成果轉化。 澳大一支全方位的專業學術團隊在過去 40年,為社會提供各類技術顧問、諮詢 和培訓,傾力以知識和研究造福社群。 不惑新航,揚帆追夢!站在新的歷史起 點,機遇與挑戰並存。澳大將善用「一 國兩制」的制度優勢,全力配合國家和 澳門特區的發展部署,並以「立足澳 門、共建灣區、融入國家,走向世界」 為宗旨,加強與世界及全國夥伴高校的 合作,攜手共進,共同推動高等教育事 業的發展。我相信,澳大未來將會發展 得更好,為人類福祉作出更大的貢獻。 The year 2021 is the 40th anniversary of the University of Macau (UM) to which all university members have been eagerly looking forward. With the local community's tremendous support, and the hard work of faculty, students, and staff over the past four decades, UM has progressed in leaps and bounds and has developed into a comprehensive international university with a multicultural campus blending Chinese and Western influences. It is now a major force in the promotion of higher education development in Macao. Upholding the five virtues listed in the university motto, namely humanity, integrity, propriety, wisdom, and sincerity, today’s UM is committed to producing creative and socially responsible graduates with a global mindset and international competitiveness who also love China and Macao. In the past 40 years, the university has nurtured nearly 60,000 graduates, who are now serving as pillars in their respective fields around the world to contribute to the development of society. Thanks to the support of both the central government and the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) government, UM continues to expand in terms of faculty size and student numbers. The university implemented a residential college system for whole‑person education when the new campus on Hengqin island became operational in 2013. In addition, UM spares no effort to recruit high‑calibre scholars from around the world, which has led to a growing number of research projects at the university with influential results. To address social development needs and market demands, UM has actively enhanced its academic structure and research design. In recent years, the university has formulated a ‘3+3+3+3’ strategic research blueprint to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration and promote technology transfer. In addition, UM’s faculty team has provided technical consultancy and professional training in various fields over the years to benefit the community through research and the dissemination of knowledge. ‘Set sail anew on the ruby jubilee’, the slogan for celebrating this special year, implies that UM is ushering in a new era. Although opportunities always come with challenges, the university will build on its strengths by taking advantage of the ‘One Country, Two Systems’ policy to provide full support for the development of China and the Macao SAR. Having positioned itself as a university of Macao and for Macao, UM will actively participate in the development of the Guangdong‑Hong Kong‑Macao Greater Bay Area, align with national development strategies, strive to become more international, and continue to strengthen collaboration with partner universities in China and abroad to promote higher education development. I believe that in the future, UM will make new progress and greater contributions to humanity. 校長致辭 RECTOR’S WORDS 宋永華 Yonghua Song