
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 58 生提供多元化的持續學習及訓練,以 培養具潛力的中學生對不同科學領域 的學習興趣,提升他們的創新思考能 力、領導能力和國際視野。 2020年,科普中心亦支援教育暨青年 局(現稱教育及青年發展局)主辦的 「STEM夏令營啟動儀式及澳門高中學 生STEM體驗活動」。舉辦科普講座及 三項以光為主題的科普實驗,希望學 生透過活動瞭解國家的科研水平和成 就,提升創新能力和科學素養,培養 他們在科技領域的跨學科應用能力。 科研為了取得更大社會效益 宋永華校長曾指出,科學研究不意味 著孤芳自賞、不接地氣,而是為了取 得更大的社會效益。大學的辦學實力 MoU, the centre will use the university's equipment and resources to enhance scientific literacy of students in Macao. UM also established the Macao Base for Primary & Secondary STEM Education in 2018. With the centre as the core, the base aims to offer STEM education programmes, support science popularisation activities in the community, and provide sustainable training for primary and secondary school teachers and students with the scientific research resources at UM. The Centre for Science and Engineering Promotion has organised various activities, including the signing of a collaborative framework agreement between UM and Ciência Viva, Portugal’s national agency for the promotion of science, technology, and culture, to increase collaboration in STEM education and to raise public interest in science in Macao and Portugal. The centre also provides support to the Potential Capacity Development Programme, which was launched by the Macao Science and Technology 澳大走進澳門中小學校推動STEM科普教育 UM promotes STEM education in primary and secondary schools in Macao