
提供多元社會服務• PROVIDING VARIOUS SERVICES TO SOCIETY 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 59 Development Fund to cultivate the interest of secondary school students in different scientific disciplines and to enhance their creative thinking, leadership skills, and international perspectives. In 2020, the Centre for Science and Engineering Promotion provided support to the STEM Summer Camp Opening Ceremony and the STEM Experience Activity for High School Students in Macao, an event organised by the then Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, the predecessor of the Education and Youth Development Bureau. During the activity, the centre held science lectures and conducted three experiments on the subject of light to help students learn more about the research calibre and achievements of China, with the aim of enhancing their creativity and scientific literacy and cultivating their interdisciplinary skills in the field of science and technology. Scientific Research for Greater Social Benefits Rector Yonghua Song says that scientific research does not mean self‑indulgence or not being grounded in reality; the purpose of scientific research is to create greater social benefits. The better a university becomes at teaching and research, the better its ability to serve the community, and the more important its role in economic and social development. Building on a solid foundation of 40 years, UM will continue to serve the community in the future by providing full support and making a greater contribution to Macao. 越強,服務社會的能力也越強,在經 濟社會發展中扮演的角色也越重要。 在過往40年建立基礎上,澳大將繼續 以服務社會為己任,為澳門的發展定 位提供強大支持,為本地經濟社會發 展發揮應有的、更大的作用。 澳大致力以研究服務社會。圖為科研大樓。 UM is dedicated to serving society through research. These pictures show the research buildings in UM.