
建設國際化師資團隊• DEVELOPING AN INTERNATIONAL FACULTY TEAM 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 63 創校初期師資團隊建設 黃景強、胡百熙和吳毓璘三位創校人在 東亞大學(澳大前身)建校初期已著力 聘請優秀師資,包括聘請已故國學大師 饒宗頤教授出任文學院講座教授。饒 教授協助研究院創辦中國文史學部,親 任該學部主任,為中文系創系教授。他 在創校之初為大學人文學科建設克盡厥 職,奠定了中文學科紮實的學術和研究 基礎,更為澳門培養一批造詣精湛的漢 語言文學研究人才,提升大學的聲望。 1981年至1987年是澳大教師隊伍平 穩發展的時期,教學人員不超過100 人。1988年,澳葡政府通過澳門基金 會收購東亞大學並進行重組。1991年是 大學的一個重要里程碑,該年東亞大學 正式更名為澳門大學,澳葡政府頒佈新 的《大學章程》,使澳大邁向新的發展 階段。1988年至1991年間是師資隊伍 發展最快速的時期,規模急速擴大。 創校初期,大學除了聘請資歷豐富的教 師,還集合了一批剛畢業的大學生開展 Recruiting Faculty Members in the Early Days Even during the early days, the three co‑founders of the University of East Asia (the predecessor of UM), namely Wong King Keung, Woo Pak Hay, and Eng Yuk Lun, already realised the importance of recruiting outstanding faculty members to support the university’s long‑term development. They went to great lengths to obtain the best people in different fields. For instance, they invited Prof Jao Tsung I, the late master of sinology, to serve as a chair professor in the university’s School of Arts. Prof Jao assisted with the establishment of a department of Chinese literature and served as the department head. He was also a founding professor in the Department of Chinese. In short, Prof Jao played an instrumental role in the development of the Chinese discipline at the university. Many accomplished scholars in Chinese language and literature are his former students. Between 1981 and 1987, the faculty team of UM grew slowly and steadily, with less than 100 faculty members in total. In 1988, the Portuguese government of Macao acquired the University of East Asia through the Macao Foundation and restructured the university. The year 1991 was an important milestone in the university’s history. In 國學大師饒宗頤教授 Prof Jao Tsung I, the late master of sinology