
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 64 教育事業。1989年畢業於英國威爾斯 大學的袁振業機緣巧合下從香港來到工 商管理學院,任職會計專業的講師,他 回憶道:「大學用了不少資源栽培年輕 教師,還推出措施鼓勵講師帶職進修, 赴海外或在本地攻讀博士,以及撥出經 費支持教學人員深化研究項目等,對提 升教學團隊的質素幫助極大。」 在大學支持下,袁振業 一邊教學、一邊攻讀 博士學位,於1999 年獲得澳洲南澳 大學會計管理博 士學位。過去32 年,他由講師晉 升至副教授,還出 任會計及資訊管理 學系主任14年。「澳 門回歸後,大學在特 區政府支持下迅速發 展,增撥了很多資源支持教研。大學近 年還推出為助理教授晉升至副教授的 『6+1』制度,除了要求我們的教學與 this year, the University of East Asia was officially renamed ‘University of Macau’, and the government promulgated the new Charter of the University of Macau, ushering in a new era for the university. The period between 1988 and 1991 witnessed the fastest growth of the faculty team. In the early days, the university spared no effort to recruit experienced scholars, but it also opened its arms to fresh university graduates like Yuen Chun Yip. Yuen graduated from the University of Wales in 1989. Through a series of serendipitous events, he became a lecturer of accounting in the university’s Faculty of Business Administration. Yuen says: ‘The university devoted a lot of resources to training young teachers. It even supported incumbent lecturers to pursue further education while teaching full‑time, including pursuing PhD degrees in Macao or overseas. On the research front, it allocated funding to support faculty members to conduct research projects. These strategies considerably enhanced the quality of the faculty team.’ With the support of the university, Yuen studied for a PhD degree while teaching full‑time at UM. In 1999, he obtained a PhD degree in accounting management 澳大自創校以來一直重視國際化師資團隊的建設 Since its founding, the university has spared no effort to recruit an international faculty team 袁振業教授 Prof Yuen Chun Yip