
建設國際化師資團隊• DEVELOPING AN INTERNATIONAL FACULTY TEAM 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 65 from the University of South Australia. Today, 32 years after joining UM, Yuen is an associate professor, and has served as the head of the Department of Accounting and Information Management for 14 years. He says, ‘After Macao’s handover, with the support of the government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), the university has developed rapidly and has also allocated a lot of additional resources to support teaching and research. In recent years, the university has launched a “6+1” system for promoting assistant professors to the rank of associate professor. In addition to requiring us teaching staff to keep pace with the times, it also requires continuous high‑quality output in research, which has greatly improved the overall quality of the faculty team.’ Enhancing Faculty Quality after Macao’s Handover From 1981 to 1999, UM went through a period of adjustment and consolidation, laying a solid foundation for future expansion. In 1999, the Macao SAR was established, opening a new chapter in UM’s history. One of the priorities of the university during that period was to continue improving the quality of its teaching and research. To achieve this, UM adopted two strategies: international recruitment of excellent faculty members, and internal promotion of staff. At the time, a group of lecturers were promoted to the rank of assistant professor after completing doctoral studies within nine years. In 2006, the Legislative Assembly of Macao passed the new Judicial Regime of the University of Macau, and the chief executive of the Macao SAR promulgated the new Charter of the University of Macau. The adoption of these two documents was significant for several reasons. First, a new governance structure was established, with the University Council replacing the government to become the highest governance organ of the institution. Second, they ensured compliance with an internationally adopted education model. Third, the revised Charter provided the university with more academic freedom and administrative flexibility, which in turn has greatly accelerated the university’s development in recent 時並進,還要求不斷有高質素的研究產 出,令整體師資的水平有很大提升。」 回歸後著力提升師資質素 1981至1999年間,澳大經歷了創建、 調整和鞏固的階段,為未來的拓展奠下 紮實基礎。隨著1999年澳門特別行政 區成立,澳大進入另一個發展階段。此 時大學的重要目標之一是繼續提升教學 和研究質素,策略有二:一是全球招聘 優秀師資;二是通過內部晉升。當時一 批講師九年內完成攻讀博士學位並晉升 至助理教授,增強了澳大的師資力量。 2006年,澳門立法會通過《澳門大學 法律制度》,澳門特區行政長官頒佈新 的《澳門大學章程》。大學成立新的管 治架構,以校董會為最高管治機關來代 替政府的直接監督,符合國際通行的 高等教育模式,修章帶來的學術自由 和行政彈性加速了大學的發展。資料顯 示,1999年至2008年間,具博士學位 的教師由23%提高到超過70%,人數 從229位增至378位。教師隊伍規模及 質素的提升,也提升了大學的聲譽和大 幅提高教學和研究質素。 高潔欣教授是澳大培養的首位數學博 士。她在1996年完成教育學院數學學 士學位後,繼續攻讀科技學院數學碩士 學位,同時出任該院助教,畢業後 晉升為講師。她當年本想到海 外攻讀博士學位,但在澳大 任助教時認識剛到任的錢 濤教授,決定留校跟隨錢 教授鑽研數學。高潔欣於 2005年通過博士論文答 辯,之後是首位獲大學推 薦到英國劍橋大學做研究 員半年的教師。2006年晉 升為助理教授,2013年晉升 為副教授。她說:「當年澳大 鼓勵教師留校修讀博士學位,且提供學 費減免以作支持。在研究資源上,校內 圖書館的館藏和電子資源也可協助查閱 高潔欣教授 Prof Kou Kit Ian