
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 66 資料,所以在澳大修讀博士絕不遜色 於國外。」 隨著辦學規模不斷擴大,澳大的師資 團隊也更趨多元和國際化。高教授認 為:「在澳大,無論是本地或來自外 地的教學人員,都可以結合自身研究 方向開展跨領域的探討和創新,這有 助擴展研究思維。」 新校園吸引大師加盟 2009年6月27日,澳大迎來了千載難 逢的歷史機遇——獲全國人大常委會批 准在橫琴島興建新校園,使澳大有更優 越的辦學環境和先進的教研設備,吸引 更多有豐富的學術和國際經驗的教授加 盟。當中被譽為「新一代治小說史、文 學史第一人」的楊義教授,獲聘至澳大 後出版了多部著作,更組建了一支核心 的中國文學研究團隊。 2014年,澳大正式 遷入新校園,師 資力量也進一步 鞏固。為了吸 引優秀師資、 提升競爭力, 澳大繼續全球公 開招聘優秀教學 人員;獎勵學術優 秀,建立國際化晉升 制度,邀請國際專家 提供評審建議;制定教師獎勵制度和師 德準則,全面提升和強化師資隊伍的綜 合素質;開展教員發展方案,如傑出訪 問學者計劃、講座教授計劃等,大幅提 升教學成效。 澳大的國際化師資隊伍還有歐洲科學院 (外籍)院士、英國皇家工程院院士、 英國皇家化學學會會士、國際電機電子 工程師學會會士、葡萄牙科學院院士等 不同學術範疇的領軍人物。大學還加大 力度招聘講座教授。這批具豐富學術經 驗和領導力的學者,為澳大的師資隊伍 years. The percentage of UM professors with a PhD degree increased from 23 per cent in 1999 to over 70 per cent in 2008, with the total number of faculty members increasing from 229 to 378 during the same period. This improvement in the quantity and quality of the faculty team has greatly enhanced the university’s reputation and its teaching and research quality. Prof Kou Kit Ian was the first UM‑educated doctor of mathematics. After obtaining her bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the Faculty of Education in 1996, she went on to complete a master’s degree in the Faculty of Science and Technology while concurrently serving as a teaching assistant in the faculty. Upon graduation, she was promoted to lecturer. Prof Kou says she originally planned to pursue a PhD degree overseas, but after meeting the new faculty member Prof Qian Tao, while serving as a teaching assistant, she changed her mind and decided to study with Prof Qian. In 2005, Kou passed her doctoral dissertation oral defence. Later, she became the first UM‑recommended scholar to work as a research fellow at the University of Cambridge for half a year. In 2006, she was promoted to assistant professor. Seven years later, she became an associate professor. Looking back, she says, ‘At the time, UM encouraged faculty members to pursue PhD studies at the university and reduced tuition fees to show support. In terms of research resources, the books and electronic resources in the university library were very useful. So all in all, UM was on a par with overseas universities in terms of PhD education.’ With the continuous development of the university, the faculty team became more diverse and international. Prof Kou believes that UM provides an intellectually stimulating environment in which scholars, regardless of their academic field, can conduct cross‑disciplinary conversations from their unique perspectives. New Campus Attracts Academic Titans On 27 June 2009, UM received the momentous news that the National People’s Congress Standing Committee had approved the construction of a new campus on Hengqin Island. A new campus that was much larger than the old one meant that there would be enough space for 楊義教授 Prof Yang Yi