
建設國際化師資團隊• DEVELOPING AN INTERNATIONAL FACULTY TEAM 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 67 advanced teaching and research facilities, which would help the university attract top scholars from around the world. Yang Yi was one such academic titan the university recruited after announcing the new campus project. Prof Yang is hailed as ‘the first scholar of the new generation to study the history of fiction and literature’. After joining UM, he published many books and formed a Chinese literature team. In 2014, UM officially moved to the new campus and implemented a series of strategies designed to enhance its competitiveness. First, it continued to internationally recruit academic staff. Second, it established an enhanced promotion system to reward academic excellence and invited international experts to provide suggestions. Third, it 帶來新的國際思維和觀點,進一步提升 教研力量。 2015年獲聘到澳大任教的歷史系主 任、講座教授王笛,被學界譽為研究 中國城市史和新文化史的代表性人物。 來到澳大後,王教授創出了豐碩的研究 成果:「因為澳大的各項有利條件,如 軟硬件配套和設備、圖書館的豐富 藏書等,使我的研究工作比預期 快。」 王笛教授認為,雄厚的師資 有助澳大穩步發展,在提升 國際學術聲望方面舉足輕 重。他表示:「澳大國際化 的師資團隊質素很高,在甄 選教師方面有一套非常嚴格的 標準,為確保教學和研究質素 提供良好基礎。」 澳大圖書館館藏豐富,有助學者研究。 The UM Library has a rich collection which supports UM scholars’ research 王笛教授 Prof Wang Di