
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 68 國際知名納米光電子材料領域領軍人 物湯子康講座教授2016年出任澳大應 用物理及材料工程研究院(IAPME) 創院院長,帶領IAPME在新能源材 料、納米光電新材料、量子生物醫藥 材料等戰略性新興產業的發展。 湯教授回憶剛到澳大時的心情時,難 掩興奮地說:「澳大遷往橫琴新校園 是國家推動粵港澳大灣區協同發展戰 略的一環,歷史賦予澳大發展的好機 遇,看到了澳大無限的發展潛力。經 過五年努力,IAPME已建立起令人嚮 往的科學研究平台,包括一流的實 驗設施、富有活力的科研團隊、專 業的實驗設施營運,以及高效的行 政管理團隊,並取得了卓有成效的 科研成果。」 established a reward system and a code of ethics for faculty members in order to improve the overall quality of the faculty team. Fourth, it launched several faculty development programmes, including a distinguished visiting scholar programme and a chair professor programme, in order to substantially improve teaching and learning outcomes. As a result of these initiatives, the university successfully recruited a number of renowned scholars in different fields, some of whom hold prestigious titles, such as member of Academia Europaea, fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and member of the Portuguese Academy of Sciences. The successful recruitment of these scholars brought new thinking, and further enhanced teaching and research at the university. 湯子康教授(右)帶領團隊研發新材料和新能源 Prof Tang Zikang (right) and his team are dedicated to research on new materials and new energy