
建設國際化師資團隊• DEVELOPING AN INTERNATIONAL FACULTY TEAM 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 69 Prof Wang Di, chair professor and head of the Department of History, joined UM in 2015. He is considered to be one of the foremost experts in the urban history of China and the new cultural history. He has published many books since joining UM. ‘Because of all the favourable conditions at UM, such as the advanced facilities and the well‑stocked library, I have progressed much faster in my research than I expected,’ he says. Prof Wang believes that a strong faculty team is not only critical to the sustainable development of the university, but also plays a pivotal role in enhancing the university’s international reputation. He says, ‘UM has a high‑quality, international faculty team. The university follows extremely strict criteria in selecting faculty members to ensure quality in teaching and research.’ In 2016, Chair Professor Tang Zikang, a world‑renowned leader in the field of nano‑optoelectronic materials, was appointed as the founding director of UM’s Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering (IAPME), whose main research areas include new energy materials, 擇天下英才而用之 為配合特區政府「教育興澳、人才建 澳」的施政方針,澳大秉持「擇天下 英才而用之」的原則,近年除了吸 引海內外優秀的學者加入,還著重招 攬本地人才,為他們提供廣闊的發展 空間,成為了不少澳門學者回流發展 的首選。土生土長的科技學院電機及 電腦工程系副教授莫昇萍在美國約翰 霍普金斯大學博士畢業後,曾在香港 工作,後來發現在澳大的發展更具自 由度。她回澳後獲澳大大力支持,創 建生物醫學影像實驗室,帶領團隊先 後獲得多個世界級獎項。莫教授從海 外回澳發展,坦言希望藉研究「推動 澳門的核子醫學和臨床發展,造福澳 門。」 莫昇萍教授(左) Prof Mok Seng Peng (left)