
SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 70 從2018年開始,澳大從大學整體發 展、國際化發展、教學人員隊伍建 設、研究發展等方面多維度規劃大 學的發展策略。目前澳大擁有一支 逾600人的國際化優秀師資團隊,約 80%來自世界各地,84%擁有博士 學位,當中不少畢業於哈佛大學、 劍橋大學、牛津大學、史丹福大 學、北京大學等國際著名學府。歷 史系助理教授Joshua Ehrlich在哈 佛大學取得博士學位後加入澳大, 主要研究思想史、大英帝國史和南 亞史等。Ehrlich教授說:「我研究 的英國東印度公司史跟澳門歷史之 間有著千絲萬縷的關係,因為工作 而來到與自己研究方向有聯繫的城 市,這種連結的關係會令研究者對 這個地方產生更大的興趣,也會有 更多的深入探索。」 師資是建成卓越大學的關鍵要素 40載篳路藍縷的薪火相傳,澳大 走出了獨具特色的辦學之路。在 世界大學的排名,從2008年的約 2,000名,躍升至目前的前350 名,國際化發展第六,背後一班卓 越的師資團隊功不可沒。校長宋永 華教授說:「擁有一支充滿活力、 具備全球學術聲譽、教學能力精湛 且師德高尚的師資隊伍,是建成卓 越大學的關鍵性要素。」 一代代澳大人的奮鬥和努力,使澳 大持續壯大、成長,大學的精神和 底蘊日益深厚。風正帆懸萬里程, 在創校40週年揚帆追夢之際,宋 永華教授表示,澳大將繼續壯大師 資隊伍,提升教學水平和學術競爭 力,以卓越的教學和創新研究,回 應和滿足本地社會發展的實際需 求、服務澳門。 nano‑optoelectronic materials, quantum biomedical materials, and technologies related to other strategic emerging industries. Recalling the day when he first arrived at UM, Prof Tang could barely contain his excitement. He says, ‘UM’s relocation to the new campus in Hengqin is part of the country’s strategy to promote the coordinated development of the Guangdong‑Hong Kong‑Macao Greater Bay Area. History has given UM a good opportunity and I saw its unlimited potential. After five years of hard work, IAPME has established a scientific research platform, which is comprised of first‑class laboratory facilities, a dynamic research team, professional facilities maintenance personnel, and an efficient management team. Thanks to a combination of these favourable conditions, we have achieved fruitful results in scientific research.’ Internationally Recruiting the Best ‘Creating a better future for Macao through education and talent’ is at the core of the SAR government’s education policy. To support this vision, UM recruits internationally and provides attractive working conditions in order to retain the best people. The efforts have paid off. Today, UM is the favourite choice for overseas‑educated scholars who decide to return to Macao to pursue career development. Prof Mok Seng Peng, an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Science and Technology, is an example. After graduating from Johns Hopkins University in the United States with a doctoral degree, she worked in Hong Kong for a while until she realised that UM could provide a better environment for her career. So she left Hong Kong and joined UM. With the university’s support, she founded the Biomedical Imaging Laboratory and won a number of international awards with her team. Prof Mok’s hope is to promote the development of nuclear medicine and its clinical application to benefit Macao residents. In 2018, UM’s leadership began formulating development strategies for the university, focusing mainly on internationalisation, faculty development, and research. At present, there are more than 600 faculty members at UM, with 80 per cent recruited from outside Macao, and