
建設國際化師資團隊• DEVELOPING AN INTERNATIONAL FACULTY TEAM 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 71 84 per cent holding a doctoral degree. Quite a number of them graduated from world‑renowned universities such as Harvard University, the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford, Stanford University, and Peking University. Joshua Ehrlich, an assistant professor in the Department of History, holds a doctoral degree from Harvard University. His main research interests include the history of political thought, the history of the British Empire, and the history of South Asia. He says, ‘There really is no better place than Macao for someone who studies the history of the East India Company, because it is inextricably linked to the history of Macao. This interconnectedness makes me more interested in this place and allows for deeper studies,’ he says. Outstanding Faculty Are Key to Creating an Excellent University By following its own unique path, UM has risen from obscurity to prominence over the past four decades, with international ranking jumping from around No 2000 in 2008 to within the top 350 today, and with a ranking of No 6 in international outlook. None of this would have been possible without the joint effort of the faculty team. As UM Rector Yonghua Song says, ‘Developing an excellent faculty team that is dynamic, internationally reputed, ethically upstanding, and with superb teaching ability is the key to creating an excellent university.’ As generations come and go, leaving behind an ever‑richer legacy, the university keeps growing bigger and better. Now, celebrating its 40th anniversary, the university is poised to reach for exciting new goals. As Rector Song has repeatedly stressed, ‘We will continue to develop an outstanding faculty team and enhance the quality of its teaching and research. We hope to serve Macao with excellent teaching and innovative research.’ Joshua Ehrlich教授 Prof Joshua Ehrlich 1. 《澳門大學三十年——歷任校長手記》編輯委員會(2014)。《澳門大學三十年——歷任校長手記》。香港:三聯書店(香港)有限 公司。 Editorial Board of The Courage to Lead: The University of Macau in the Eyes of her Rectors.(2014). The Courage to Lead: The University of Macau in the Eyes of her Rectors. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Company Ltd. 2. 李向玉與謝安邦(主編)(2017)。《澳門現代高等教育的發軔——東亞大學的創立和發展》,北京:高等教育出版社。 Lei, H., & Xie, A. (2021). Ao Men xian dai gao deng jiao yu de fa ren— Dong Ya Da Xue de chuang li he fa zhan [The Beginning of Modern Higher Education in Macao—the Founding and Development of the University of East Asia]. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 參考書籍: References: