
2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 74 SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 澳門大學前身東亞大學成立,設有本科學院、預科學院和持續教 育學院。 首屆本科生畢業及首次頒 授榮譽博士學位。 The University of East Asia (UEA), the predecessor of the University of Macau (UM), was founded. UEA was comprised of the University College, the College of Foundation Studies, and the College of Continuing Education. UM graduated its first cohort of undergraduate students and conferred its first honorary doctorate. 1984 1989 1990 1987 1988 1981 1991 成立澳門研究中心。 The Centre for Macau Studies was established. 政府收購東亞大學並進行重組和修 訂大學章程;成立文學院和社會科 學院。 The local government acquired and restructured UEA, revised the University Charter, and established the School of Arts and the School of Social Sciences. 成立工商管理學院、科技學院、教 育學院。文學院開設葡文課程。 The Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Science and Technology, and the Faculty of Education were established; the School of Arts launched its first Portuguese language programme. 將本科三年制改為四年制,並將本 科學院重組。 Undergraduate programmes changed from a three‑year system to a four‑year system. The University College was restructured. 成立法學院、葡亞研究中心。 東亞大學改名為澳門大學, 頒佈新的《大學章程》。 The Faculty of Law and the Research Centre for Luso‑Asian Studies were established. UEA was renamed ‘University of Macau’, and the new Charter was promulgated.