
1993 1995 1997 1999 1999 1996 成立日本研究中心。 The Centre for Japanese Studies was established. 首個微電子芯片設計成功; 成立教育研究中心和澳門法 律研究中心。 UM successfully developed its first microelectronic chip; the Educational Research Centre and the Centre for Macao Law Studies were established. 與澳門本地合作機構創建澳 門發展及質量研究所;參與 創建澳門歐洲研究學會,開 辦首個歐洲研究碩士研究生 課程。 UM and several local organisations co‑established the Institute for the Development and Quality, Macau. UM also co‑founded the Institute of European Studies of Macau and launched the first master’s degree programme in European Studies. 首名博士生畢業。 The first doctoral student graduated. 「校長推薦入學計劃」啟動,經澳門各 中學校長推薦的優秀應屆畢業生可申請 免試入讀澳大。 發佈全球首部中葡雙語發聲詞典「中葡 通」;慶祝澳門回歸,舉辦一系列迎回 歸座談會。 The Principals’ Recommended Admission Scheme was launched. Under this scheme, outstanding local students recommended by their principals are eligible to apply for direct admission to UM with exemption from the entrance examination. UM launched PCT, the world’s first Chinese‑Portuguese bilingual audio dictionary, and organised a series of seminars to celebrate Macao’s return to China.