
大事紀要• MILESTONES 澳大新語•2021 UMAGAZINE 23 76 1999 2001 2002 2003 舉行澳門特區成立後首場畢業典禮暨榮譽博士學位 頒授典禮,由首任行政長官兼澳大校監及校董會主 席何厚鏵(左)、時任校長姚偉彬(右)主持。 Edmund Ho Hau Wah (left), the first chief executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) and chancellor of UM, and then UM Rector Iu Vai Pan (right), officiated at the university’s first graduation ceremony and honorary doctorate conferment ceremony after Macao’s handover. 澳門特區政府重組澳大校董會,開 展修章工作,逐步實踐國際化管治 模式。 The Macao SAR government restructured the University Council and initiated Charter revision in order to facilitate the implementation of an international mode of governance at the university. 成立英語中心、中華醫藥研究所 (現稱中華醫藥研究院)。 成立資訊及通訊科技教育研究 中心、工程研究及檢測中心、 博彩研究所。 The English Language Centre and the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences were established. The Centre for Information and Communication Technology in Education, the Centre for Engineering Research and Testing, and the Institute for the Study of Commercial Gaming were established. 2007 2008 制訂《澳門大學十年發展 規劃》,首次提出覓地擴 展校園。 首次全球招聘大學領導 團隊。 UM formulated the Ten‑Year Development Strategy, which includes the university’s vision for building a new campus. UM globally recruited its top management for the first time. 2006 澳門立法會通過《澳門大學法律制度》。澳門 特區行政長官頒佈新的《澳門大學章程》。根 據章程,校董會為大學最高合議機關。 The Legislative Assembly of Macao passed the new Juridical Regime of the University of Macau, and the chief executive of Macao SAR promulgated the new Charter of the University of Macau. According to the Charter, the University Council is the highest collegial organ of the university.