
2021 UMAGAZINE 23•澳大新語 77 SET SAIL FOR NEW HORIZONS ON THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY• 揚帆追夢-澳門大學40週年 2009 2009 2009 2009 1月,時任國家副主席習近平在澳門宣佈中央開發 橫琴島,位於橫琴島的澳大新校園項目正式啟動。 In January, during his visit to Macao, then Vice President Xi Jinping announced the central government’s decision to develop Hengqin Island. The new campus project officially kicked off. 6月27日,《全國人民代表大會常務委員會關 於授權澳門特別行政區對設在橫琴島的澳門大 學新校區實施管轄的決定》獲得通過。 On 27 June, the National People’s Congress Standing Committee adopted a bill that proposed authorising the Macao SAR to exercise jurisdiction over the new UM campus on Hengqin Island. 12月20日,時任國家主席胡錦濤主持新校 園奠基儀式。 On 20 December, then President Hu Jintao officiated at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new campus. 12月20日,時任國務委員劉延東在新校園奠 基儀式上致辭,希望澳大建成一所世界一流 的大學,要有一流的設施、一流的教師,培 養一流的人才,創造一流的成果。 On 20 December, then State Counsellor Liu Yandong expressed hope at the new campus groundbreaking ceremony that UM would develop into a world‑class university with world‑class facilities, world‑class faculty members, world‑class graduates, and world‑class achievements. 成立澳門大學發展基金會 The University of Macau Development Foundation was established.