
COVER STORY • 封面專題 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 • 澳大新語 14 面,澳大技術已經深植於很多公司的產品。」 研究成果在轉化過程中,除了大學,還需要政府和 企業的充分參與。葛教授說:「企業會給我們帶來 很多研究的啟發,他們的意見更可以幫助師生設計 的產品或開發的技術進一步接近市場所需。」 灣區機遇助科研成果轉化 在研究創新及轉化體系下,澳大各領域的研究人員 和單位齊心協力,長遠必將提升大學的科研創新能 力和產學研合作成效。葛教授指出:「澳大將會更 充分地結合國家和內地省市的科研資源,與更多海 內外一流大學及優秀企業開展高水平科研創新和產 學研合作。」 大灣區正積極構建國際科技創新中心,無疑為大學 和研究人員創造更廣闊的空間,將研究成果付諸實 現。在此背景下,澳大的研究創新及轉化體系不單 體現了其在推動科研成果轉化的願景和具體行動, 更展現大學以科研造福社會的決心。 訊系統有限公司簽署戰略合作框架協議,建設聯合實 驗室,目前也積極推動與源自澳門的芯片領域獨角獸 企業芯耀輝科技共建聯合實驗室。葛教授說:「澳 大在澳門與公共和私營企業都有相當多合作,在澳 門科技和產業的創新作用毋庸置疑。」 天時地利人和 澳大是澳門一所綜合性公立大學,在協助政府促進 科技商業化方面責無旁貸。當下,澳大推動科技創 新和成果轉化可謂是天時地利人和俱備。葛教授 說:「天時,就是粵港澳大灣區協同發展,為澳大 創造千載難逢的機會。橫琴粵澳深度合作區在2021 年成立,也為澳大帶來新動能。地利,則是澳門是 灣區核心城市,澳大又坐落於橫琴。人和,是澳門 特區政府重視產學研發展,社會各界都清楚經濟多元 化是澳門的必然方向,全力以赴推動產學研發展。」 經過41年發展,澳大研究成果豐碩。大學在此環 境下加快產學研發展,積極利用過去打下的基礎, 前景廣闊無比。葛教授說:「澳大一些中藥產品已 非常接近市場。在先進材料、中醫藥、微電子等方 澳大工程研究及檢測中心有限公司為社會提供專業服務 UMCERT Engineering Research and Testing Limited provide professional services for society The University of Macau (UM) has developed a new and ambitious research strategy. UM has also been building and improving a new ‘5-in-1’ system for research innovation and results transfer. The new system, which aims to support the economic diversification of Macao, includes high-level platforms for various stages of industry-academia collaboration, including innovation, service, management, cultivation, and implementation. It will enable the university to enhance the quality and impact of its research results, to further promote research and innovation, and to support the systematic transfer of research results. Strategic Research Layout According to Prof Ge Wei, UM vice rector for research, the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) government attaches great importance to industry-academia collaboration and many people in the community expect further progress in this realm. As a response, UM has identified several areas to give priority to research, innovation, and the transfer of research results. Research and innovation are among the most important aspects of industry-academia collaboration. To this end, UM has developed a ‘3+3+3+3’ strategic research layout. The first ‘3’ refers to the three state key laboratories for Chinese medical sciences, microelectronics, and the internet of things for smart cities, respectively. The second ‘3’ refers to three emerging research