
COVER STORY • 封面專題 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 • 澳大新語 28 Over the years, the University of Macau (UM) has been committed to addressing the major needs of China and Macao through research. Building on its strength in biomedical sciences, the university has developed a strategic plan to advance its development in this field and has made remarkable results. Among these initiatives, the recently inaugurated Macau Institute for Translational Medicine and Innovation (MITMI) at UM attaches great importance to the development of medical and health products. Through the institute, UM aims to promote technological innovation and transfer in medical sciences, thereby contributing to the diversification of Macao’s economy and the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) into an international centre for technological innovation. Strategic Planning for Biomedical Sciences As a comprehensive public university in Macao, UM strives to promote the city’s development through science and education. In 2010, the university received approval from the central government to establish the State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine (SKL-QRCM), the first of its kind in China. As of 2021, 11 years after its establishment, scholars associated with the lab had published 2,800 research articles and books, obtained 50 patents, and established international quality standards for more than ten Chinese medicinal plants. It is now an internationally advanced research and innovation centre as well as a platform for international cooperation. The lab is committed to supporting several key sectors, including high-tech industries and the health industry, with Chinese medicine R&D and production as an entry point, creating a pathway for the commercialisation of UM research results. In the field of precision medicine, in 2021 UM established the Ministry of Education Frontier Science Center for Precision Oncology, which is the only frontier science centre in its field in China and the first-ever frontier science centre in Hong Kong and Macao. The UM centre aims to advance R&D in life sciences and medicine, with a strong emphasis on cancer treatment, in order to promote the health industry and provide accurate diagnosis and treatment for cancer patients in Macao, the GBA, and across China. According to UM Rector Yonghua Song, in addition to enhancing the output of its various research platforms, the university has entered into strategic partnerships with other universities and enterprises to expand its research capacity. These partnerships include a joint oncology lab with the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a joint innovation lab with Guangzhou Kingmed Diagnostics Group Co Ltd. UM has also established a centre for R&D in Chinese Medicine with China Resources Holdings Company Limited, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Company Limited, and the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences. The centre serves as a collaborative research platform for Chinese medicine in Macao through industry-academia collaboration. Advancing Industry-Academia Collaboration in Chinese Medicine As the first higher education institution in Macao to build its campus on Hengqin island, UM leverages 澳門轉化醫學創新研究院將推進的成果轉化項目包括澳大研發的碳量子點腫瘤免疫治療技術及糖尿病足傷口敷料 MITMI will promote UM projects, including a cancer immunotherapy based on carbon-quantum-dots and a dressing for diabetic foot ulcers