
為助力澳門經濟適度多元發展,在國 家政策支持和澳門特區政府推動下, 澳門大學的產學研項目蓄勢待發,在 澳門、橫琴粵澳深度合作區和粵港澳 大灣區其它地方轉化科研成果,促進 經濟和產業發展。 今期《澳大新語》封面專題探討澳大 新的「五位一體」研究創新及轉化 體系。該體系是《澳大五年發展規劃 (2021/2022-2025/2026學年)》的 重點規劃之一。我們採訪了宋永華校 長、葛偉副校長和多位教授,一同探討 「五位一體」體系如何協助研究人員 將其成果從實驗室帶到生產線。 「三文四語」是澳門獨特的語言景 觀。澳大匯聚了一批來自世界各地的 語言學家。他們在大學多語多文化的 環境傳道授業,使澳大的語言教學形 成鮮明特色,今期專題我們探討其獨 特之處。 我們也訪問了經濟學系主任朱智豪 教授和卓越教學奬得主、英文系 助理教授盧杰,分享他們的教研經 驗。「學術研究」剖析新型冠狀病毒 De l ta突變株的傳染性,以及運用人 工智能從中藥篩選潛在老人癡呆藥 物的最新研究。 澳大設有10所書院,各具特色,在澳 門獨一無二。書院作為多元文化與多 元學科融會貫通的知識整合學習平 台,體現了大學本科教育融合專業、 通識、研習及社群教育的「四位一體」 全人教育模式。今期新推出「書院發 展」,帶領讀者了解鄭裕彤書院的學 生創業模式,以及滿珍紀念書院跨學 科和具國際化色彩的教育。 With the support of the national policy and the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) government, the University of Macau (UM) has launched a number of projects involving industry-academia collaboration in order to promote moderate economic diversification of Macao. Some of the projects are currently undergoing a process of technology transfer in Macao, the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin and other parts of the GuangdongHong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and are expected to generate economic value and promote the development of various industries. The cover story of this issue’s UMagazine features UM’s new ‘5-in‑1’ system for research innovation and results transfer. The system is one of the key initiatives set out in the university’s Five-Year Development Plan (Academic Years 2021/2022 to 2025/2026). We interviewed Rector Yonghua Song, Vice Rector Ge Wei, and some other professors about how the system can help UM researchers bring their research results from the laboratory to the production line. Macao is a unique and linguistically diverse community, with three primary written languages and four primary spoken languages. Taking advantage of this multilingual and multicultural environment, UM has gathered linguists from around the world who developed a model of language education with distinctive characteristics on the campus. In this issue, we talk to these scholars to gain a deeper understanding of language teaching at UM. We also interviewed Prof Angus Chu, head of the Department of Economics, and Prof Jeremy De Chavez, assistant professor in the Department of English and recent recipient of the UM Teaching Excellence Award. These two professors shared with us their experience in teaching and research. The Academic Research column explores two of the latest research topics at UM, namely the contagiousness of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta strain and the role of artificial intelligence in identifying compounds from traditional Chinese medicine with therapeutic potential against Alzheimer’s disease. UM is the only university in Macao with a residential college (RC) system, which is a multicultural and multidisciplinary learning platform for knowledge integration. Consisted of ten unique RCs, the RC system embodies the concept of whole-person education at the undergraduate level through a ‘4-in-1’ model that includes discipline-specific education, general education, research and internship education, and community and peer education. To help readers learn more about each RC, we have launched a new section titled RC Development. In this issue, the section covers an entrepreneurship model that Cheng Yu Tung College has developed to help students start businesses, and explores the characteristics of Moon Chun Memorial College that make it a multidisciplinary and international institution. 編者的話 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong EDITOR’S WORDS