
CONTENTS 目錄 2022年|總第25期 Spring/Summer 2022 | Issue 25 澳大與企業合作轉化研究成果 UM Collaborates with Enterprises to Promote Research Results Transfer 產學研平台促進成果轉化 Accelerating Research Results Transfer through Various Platforms for Industry-Academia Collaboration 推動澳門醫藥創新成果轉化 Promoting the Transfer of Innovative Medical Research Results in Macao 高新技術產品投入市場應用 Placing Products of High Technology on the Market 封面專題 COVER STORY 專題探討 TOPIC INSIGHT Language Education in a Multicultural Context Research Results Transfer from the Laboratory to the Production Line 多元文化下之語言教學 研究成果:從實驗室走進生產線 06 12 18 26 30