
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW • 人物專訪 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 • 澳大新語 48 The programmes offered by the Department of English focus on the historical and contemporary role of English as a global medium in literature, language, and intercultural communication. ‘We help our students develop proficiency in the English language as we also cultivate their creative and critical thinking skills, so that they can meet the challenges in this fast-changing world,’ Prof De Chavez says. Encouraging Students to Be Curious ‘If I could sum up my teaching philosophy in one word, that word would be “wonder”’, says Prof De Chavez. Students who have attended his classes said that they could feel his passion for teaching. For example, he always speaks in a dynamic and engaging tone, the way a good storyteller does. Prof De Chavez says: ‘I would always think about how to weave storytelling into my lesson plan in order to secure the attention of my students and arouse their curiosity.’ Prof De Chavez’s belief in the importance of wonder in the learning process stems from his Singapore. After graduating with a PhD degree from Queen’s University in Canada, De Chavez taught at Queen’s University and Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada for some time before returning to the Philippines to teach at De La Salle University. In 2018, he joined the Department of English at UM. Excellent Teaching Recognised by Students I strive to turn the classroom into a place hospitable to wonder,’ Prof De Chavez explains. ‘In saying this, I am also suggesting that educators in the humanities should be in the business of enchantment.’ He tries different teaching methods to make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable. In recognition of his outstanding teaching performance, Prof De Chavez received the Teaching Excellence Award for the 2020/2021 academic year from UM. When he learned that he won the award, he was both surprised and delighted. He says, ‘Receiving this award makes me feel that UM really values education in the humanities and social sciences.’ 盧杰教授在「澳門大學卓越教學獎」講座分享教學心得 Prof Jeremy De Chavez shares his teaching experience at the University of Macau Teaching Excellence Award Seminar