
鄭裕彤書院創業模式下的創業項目:澳門 BioPeTech 環保麥芽貓砂 滿珍紀念書院:跨學科的國際化書院 SARS-CoV-2 的Delta突變株為何傳染性如此之強? Why Is the SARS-CoV-2 Delta Strain So Contagious? 運用人工智能從中藥篩選潛在的老人癡呆藥物 Using AI Technology to Develop TCM-based Drugs for Alzheimer’s Disease 盧杰:教學就是說一個好故事 Jeremy De Chavez: Teaching is Telling a Good Story 朱智豪:經濟學家應先天下之憂而憂 Angus Chu: Economists Need to Be Visionary When Solving the World’s Problems The BioPeTech Malted Cat Litter Produced in Macao — A Project under the CYTC Entrepreneurship Model Moon Chun Memorial College: A Multidisciplinary and International Institution 學術研究 ACADEMIC RESEARCH 書院發展 RC DEVELOPMENT 人物專訪 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 38 44 50 54 58 62