
澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 59 書院發展 • RC DEVELOPMENT 鄭裕彤書院代院長黃承發教授(右三)、書院導師鄧宇明博士(左三)和書院的環保麥芽貓砂學生創業團隊。 UM Cheng Yu Tung Interim College Master Prof Alfred Wong Seng Fat (3rd from right), Resident Fellow Dr Tang U Meng (3rd from left), and the college’s entrepreneurial team which produces eco-friendly malted cat litter. 噬走,以避免幼貓誤食糖分影響健康。透過書院牽 綫,環保麥芽貓砂項目與香港科技大學的技術方合 作,項目在雙方努力下已進駐香港科技園作進一步研 發,推動及保證了噬糖真菌的穩定研究和開發,為創 業項目的穩步推進奠下基石。 參加創業比賽及進駐孵化中心 對於澳門的初創團隊而言,創業比賽是團隊汲取初期 資金及專業見解的寶貴機會。而進駐孵化中心更是為 項目團隊的前期健康發展起到難以代替的作用。因 此,鄭裕彤書院持續支持及指導創業項目團隊進駐孵 化中心接受專業培訓並持續參加創業比賽,使項目的 構思更加貼地與成熟。 麥芽貓砂團隊於2021年11月進駐澳大創新創業中 心,在該中心的教授支持下茁壯成長。在各界人士和 機構幫助下,他們的企劃不斷完善,並在第10屆「贏 在廣州」暨粵港澳大灣區大學生創業比賽與百餘支參 賽隊伍角逐獎項,最終在決賽排名第九,獲三等獎的 優秀成績。 As Macao is seizing new opportunities for its moderate economic diversification brought by China’s 14th Five-Year Plan and Vision 2035 plan, as well as the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, universities in the city are also seeing a more conducive environment for commercialising their research results. When elaborating on the University of Macau’s (UM) development plan for the next five years, Rector Prof Yonghua Song says that the university will continue to improve its ‘3+3+3+3’ research strategy and establish a ‘5-in-1’ system for research innovation and results transfer, finding a path for the commercialisation of research results, as well as actively building a social service platform for Macao. To support the university’s commitment to promoting industry-academia collaboration, UM’s Cheng Yu Tung College (CYTC) has developed a model of student entrepreneurship from its experiences with encouraging students to start their own businesses. Known as the CYTC Entrepreneurship Model, the model will not only establish close partnerships with faculties and industries, but will also bridge the gap between technology and creativity among students in residential colleges (RCs), thus enabling the colleges to play an active role in supporting the university in academia-industry collaboration. Four Ways to Support Student Start-ups The CYTC Entrepreneurship Model has come a long way in encouraging CYTC students to launch their own businesses and get their commercial ideas off the ground. As of today, the college has formed five entrepreneurial teams, which have received 16 awards since 2018, with a total of MOP 265,000 and