
澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 61 書院發展 • RC DEVELOPMENT Kin Yip, associate professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences and non-resident fellow of CYTC. This technology helps to absorb sugar from BSG to prevent kittens from consuming sugar by accident. Through the college, the team has partnered with researchers from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Thanks to the efforts of both parties, the cat litter project has entered a new phase of R&D at the Hong Kong Science Park, which ensures a stable production and development of the fungus, laying a solid foundation for the project’s expansion. Competition and Incubation Competitions present excellent opportunities for start-ups, particularly those in Macao, to gain initial funding and professional advice. Business incubators also play an irreplaceable role in putting start-ups on the right trajectory for success. This is why CYTC relentlessly supports and guides its student entrepreneurial teams to receive professional training in business incubators and to participate in start-up competitions. This will allow them to develop their business ideas and get closer to the needs of the market. The cat litter entrepreneurial team began its incubation at the UM Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in November 2021. With the support of the centre’s professors and various local organisations, the team’s business plans have been improving steadily. At the 10th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Student Entrepreneurship Competition held in Guangzhou, the team competed against more than 100 teams and placed ninth in the final, winning a third prize. 黃承發教授是澳大鄭裕彤書院代院長,也是機電工程系副教授,其研究領域涵蓋人因工程、智慧城市、醫工融合、 企業資源計劃系統、協同產品開發管理、工業工程、知識管理等。他領導澳大工業工程實驗室,為澳門和全球的製 造和服務機構提供各種解決方案。 Prof Alfred Wong Seng Fat is the interim master of CYTC and an associate professor in the Department of Electromechanical Engineering at UM. His research interests include human-factors engineering, smart cities, medical and engineering Integration, enterprise resource planning systems, collaborative product development management, industrial engineering, and knowledge management. He leads the Industrial Engineering Laboratory at UM to offer solutions to manufacturing and service organisations in Macao and around the world. 付昊明是澳大鄭裕彤書院和歷史系本科生,也是澳門BioPeTech環保麥芽貓砂創業項目團隊的核心成員。 Fu Haoming is an undergraduate student in CYTC and the Department of History at UM. He is also a core member of the student team that started BioPeTech (Macau), a producer of eco-friendly malt cat litter. 鄧宇明博士是澳大鄭裕彤書院導師,致力於指導院生參與創新創業大賽,歷年獲獎16項,相關創業項目衍生了四 間公司,包括2048(澳門)趣眼精釀及環保麥芽貓砂製造商BioPeTech (Macau)。 Dr Tang U Meng is a resident fellow of CYTC at UM. He is committed to guiding students in his college to participate in innovation and entrepreneurship competitions. Together they have won 16 awards and created four companies, including 2048 (Macau) Co, Ltd (with the brand Funky Eye Brewery) and BioPeTech (Macau), a producer of eco‑friendly malt cat litter. 「書院發展」為投稿欄目,內容僅代表作者個人意見。 RC Development is a submission column. The views expressed are solely those of the author(s). 澳大於2010年引入住宿式書院系統。書院作為多元文化與多元學科融會貫通的知識整合學習平台,致力培養學生具有公民 責任心、全球競爭力、知識整合能力、團隊協作、服務與領導、文化參與和健康生活的七項勝任力。 UM launched its residential college (RC) system in 2010 to create a multicultural and multidisciplinary learning platform for knowledge integration. RC education aims to cultivate seven competencies of students, namely responsible citizenship, global competitiveness, knowledge integration, teamwork and collaboration, service and leadership, cultural engagement, and healthy lifestyle. 住宿式書院系統網站 Website of the Residential College System