
澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 65 書院發展 • RC DEVELOPMENT Manuel Noronha博士2014年加入澳大滿珍紀念書院並出任副院長至今。他管理書院的發展和學術輔導課程、日 常運作、學生的生活和紀律,並向學生提供輔導和情緒關懷。 Dr Manuel Noronha joined MCM College at UM in 2014 as associate master. He oversees student life and general operations in the college and provides student counselling and pastoral care, as well as managing student discipline, supervising, and organising developmental and academic tutorial programmes in the college. 洪盈惠是澳大滿珍紀念書院駐院導師,也是經驗豐富的學生輔導員。她擅長各類教育和培訓,包括人際交往和領 導能力培訓、義務培訓、生涯輔導、性教育、品格教育和生命教育。 Alice Hong is a resident fellow of MCM College at UM. She is an experienced student counsellor, and specialises in interpersonal and leadership skills training, volunteer training, career guidance, sexuality education, character education, and life education. 劉沛棋博士是澳大滿珍紀念書院駐院導師。她在美國密歇根州立大學獲鋼琴教育學和鋼琴演奏碩士學位以及鋼 琴演奏博士學位,在策劃書院活動方面經驗豐富。 Dr Peggy Lau is a resident fellow of MCM College at UM. She received her master’s degrees in piano pedagogy and piano performance and doctoral degree in piano performance from Michigan State University. She has vast experience in hosting resident hall activities. for students to practise speaking and listening skills in Portuguese. It was intended simply to ‘nourish’ and motivate language development and conversational skills. Participants of all levels (across the colleges) took time out from their busy schedules to speak with Visiting Scholar in Residence, Prof Joseph Levi, and fully immerse in a Portuguese-speaking environment over dinner. Sporting Prowess The college places a strong emphasis on leadership, teamwork, and healthy living as part of its experiential and peer learning programme. With such powerful and evocative core values firmly instilled, the college has managed to build successful team spirit and sporting prowess among its many competitive athletes, who not only represent the university at the intervarsity level, but also participate in Macao’s local sporting leagues and national team selections. Pastoral Care and Social Responsibility Under strict protocols and preventative measures of the Covid-19 pandemic era, students’ lives and well-being have been adversely affected. The college’s resident fellows implemented important initiatives to strengthen students’ supporting network with the collaboration of an assigned social worker’s on-site pastoral care, as well as a ‘Step by Step’ digital mental health programme. Many new projects such as volunteering and community service activities aim to nurture social responsibility. Service targets include the elderly, the mentally ill, and the mentally disabled. Educational approaches to service-learning raise students’ awareness of social issues: ageing, depression, and inclusive community. Through reflection and reciprocity, students examine and enhance their own perceptions of social issues and life values. 住宿式書院系統網站 Website of the Residential College System 「書院發展」為投稿欄目,內容僅代表作者個人意見。 RC Development is a submission column. The views expressed are solely those of the author(s). 澳大於2010年引入住宿式書院系統。書院作為多元文化與多元學科融會貫通的知識整合學習平台,致力培養學生具有公民 責任心、全球競爭力、知識整合能力、團隊協作、服務與領導、文化參與和健康生活的七項勝任力。 UM launched its residential college (RC) system in 2010 to create a multicultural and multidisciplinary learning platform for knowledge integration. RC education aims to cultivate seven competencies of students, namely responsible citizenship, global competitiveness, knowledge integration, teamwork and collaboration, service and leadership, cultural engagement, and healthy lifestyle.