
澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 25 9 封面專題 • COVER STORY 生、物聯網、機器人與無人系統、近岸及環境工程、 認知與腦科學、先進新材料和藝術學等領域的研究生 課程,全面培養澳門和橫琴新產業緊缺的人才。 在中央和澳門特區政府大力支持下,澳大各方面發 展一日千里。宋永華教授表示,澳大是目前唯一設 於橫琴島的大學,有責任培養更多人才,在產學研 方面創出更多成果。「大學既是政策受益者,也應 是能推動社會和經濟發展的貢獻者。澳大研究一直 貫徹『國家所需、澳門所長,澳門所需、澳大所 長』的方針,通過不斷拓展及加深與內地合作,更 好地發揮澳門與內地的優勢,實現協同創新、協同 發展,使澳門融入國家創新科技發展大局。目前澳 門經濟結構急需轉型,澳大將繼續配合中央和特區 政府的政策部署,加快推動科研成果從實驗室走進 生產線,服務國家和澳門所需。」 在推進科研成果轉化發展方面,澳大採取多項措 施,包括獲批設立教育部精準腫瘤學前沿科學中 心、積極建設橫琴產學研示範基地、成立澳門中藥 研發中心和澳門轉化醫學創新研究院、與中國科學 院建立的五個聯合實驗室確立多項合作專項課題, 以及參與和承擔更多澳門、廣東省和國家層面的重 點研發項目,並繼續參股由澳大教員或研究團隊成 立的初創公司。另外,獲批為國家級眾創空間的澳 大創新創業中心已孵化30多家由師生共建的科技企 業,正積極推動和鼓勵更多澳門青年面向大灣區開 展創新創業活動。 為澳門和橫琴新產業培養緊缺人才 從師資力量、教學水準和科研實力而言,澳大在大 灣區尤其是西岸優勢突出。大學近年開辦了微電 子、數據科學和金融科技等方面的新課程,也準備 增設藥物科學及科技學士課程,以及全球公共衛 In recent years, the University of Macau (UM) has become an important partner for many local and mainland enterprises to promote innovation. UM has worked together with its partners to foster the development of four new industries in Macao and Hengqin: health, modern finance, high technology, as well as exhibitions and trade/culture and sports. The collaborations also facilitate the transfer of research results from the laboratory to the production line, enabling the translation of research results. Matching Research Results with the Right Enterprises According to UM Rector Yonghua Song, technological research results of universities should ultimately be commercialised to serve economic and social development. ‘If creating knowledge is the first step in starting something from scratch, developing applied technologies for the new knowledge is the second step, followed by transforming the technologies into products and services,’ says Prof Song. ‘Academic and research institutions can take the first two steps on their own, but the next step must involve industry.’ China’s 14th Five-Year Plan and Vision 2035 plan, the second Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR), and the Master Plan of the Development of the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin all point out that Macao should strengthen collaboration with other locales in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) for the development of the industrial, academic, and research sectors. According to Prof Song, as an international public comprehensive university in Macao, UM has launched collaboration projects with enterprises in the four aforementioned industries, which are also highlighted in the second five-year development plan of Macao as ‘a health industry with Chinese medicine R&D and manufacturing as an entry point, a modern finance industry, a high technology industry, as well as an industry of exhibitions and trade/culture and sports’. The university’s collaboration partners are mainly located in Macao, the Hengqin cooperation zone, and other parts of the GBA. ‘To support the moderate economic diversification of Macao, UM has been matching its existing research achievements with the demand of enterprises in various industries. The university has also launched research projects that involve enterprises in the early stages. This strategy has created a deep synergy between the industry, academic, and research sectors,’ says Prof Song. ‘The collaborations between the university and enterprises are not limited to individual researcher-enterprise collaborations, but also