
人們的一言一行、所思所憶均來自大 腦。因此,「我們是誰?」不單是哲 學問題,也是無數科學家深耕的研究領 域。在澳門大學,不同學科的專家近年 加強合作,為解開腦部的奧秘探尋更多 線索,致力以研究成果解答實際的醫療 和社會問題。 今期的封面專題探討澳大認知與腦科學 研究的成果,涉及成癮、語言、腦圖 譜、腦機接口、腦與腸道的關係、兒童 腦發展等課題,並且介紹相關的研究資 源和學位課程,全面呈現這些研究的重 要意義。 我們也介紹大學在推動澳門智慧旅遊發 展方面的研究,以及為支持本地大健康 產業而開辦的新課程。與此同時,歷 史系主任楊斌教授帶領我們從小小的海 貝一窺橫跨各大洲、延綿數千載的全球 史。環球法律學系主任Rostam J. Neuwirth 教授則剖釋了人工智能技術帶來的種種 法律挑戰,進而探討人工智能時代所需 的法律框架。 此外,「學術研究」介紹了一種由澳大研 究人員開發、有望改進癌症治療和醫學成 像的新型近紅外有機納米海綿,並且細探 新型冠狀病毒疫情下內地有關線上教育的 輿論。「書院發展」則帶領讀者了解蔡繼 有書院的全人教育理念,以及體育活動在 呂志和書院的重要教育功能。 Our brains control all our thoughts and actions. The question ‘Who are we?’ is therefore not only a philosophical challenge, but also a scientific question that many researchers attempt to answer. In recent years, faculty members from different disciplines at the University of Macau (UM) have strengthened collaboration in this regard. They strive to unravel the mystery of the brain and translate their research results into solutions to medical and social problems. The cover story of this issue’s UMagazine features research results in cognitive and brain sciences at UM, with a highlight on projects on addiction, language, brain mapping, brain-computer interfaces, connections between the brain and the gut, and early brain development. It also showcases the university’s extensive research resources and degree programmes in this field. We also look at UM’s efforts to promote smart tourism in Macao and the new degree programmes offered by the university to meet the needs of the local health industry. In addition, Prof Yang Bin, head of the Department of History, takes us on a cowrie shell journey through global history that spans different continents and several millennia, while Prof Rostam J. Neuwirth, head of the Department of Global Legal Studies, discusses the contemporary proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and the need for a legal framework to address them. The Academic Research column explores two UM research topics, namely a near-infrared nanosponge developed by UM scientists that promises to improve cancer therapy and medical imaging, as well as public opinion about online education in mainland China during the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, the RC Development column provides an overview of whole-person education in Choi Kai Yau College and the importance of sports in education in Lui Che Woo College. 編者的話 張惠琴 Katrina Cheong EDITOR’S WORDS