
澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 26 40 專題探討 • TOPIC INSIGHT 澳大圖書館作為澳門首間提供360度虛擬實境導賞的圖書館。該導賞是智慧旅遊研究團隊VR建築智慧導賞項目的首個成果。 The UM Library is the first library in Macao to offer 360-degree VR tours. The project is the preliminary result of the Smart Tourism Research Team in VR smart architectural tours. ‘We are planning to integrate the outcomes of the two research projects so that users of our app can explore historical buildings through VR tours and obtain information about distinctive shops in Macao. This will enable visitors who are not familiar with Macao to fully experience the city through smart itinerary planning. In the future, we will continue to leverage the university’s smart city technologies to showcase the charm of Macao’s world heritage,’ Prof Wong adds. Future Research Directions Prof Law points out that APAEM will continue to act as a bridge between industry practitioners, faculty members, and researchers, helping the industry to explore market opportunities through cutting-edge research. The research team is currently studying successful cases of smart tourism around the world to gather their experience for the smart tourism development of Macao and other cities in the Greater Bay Area. ‘While all the successful cases are worth studying, smart tourism development needs to be tailored with regard to the local context. For this reason, we should try to develop our own model based on the characteristics of Macao,̓ says Prof Law. university in areas such as smart city technology, arts, humanities, history, integrated tourism, and marketing to explore avenues for deepening ‘Tourism+’ interdisciplinary development and amplifying Macao’s brand image as a tourist destination with distinctive characteristics. Prof Wong is leading his team in the Department of Electromechanical Engineering to develop a graph neural network for itinerary prediction in a mobile application based on deep reinforcement learning. After analysing the personal preferences and locations entered by visitors, the app can create a personalised itinerary within 2.7 seconds. Moreover, Prof Wong has launched a project to create Virtual Reality (VR) smart architectural tours. The project aims to digitalise historical and culturally significant buildings in Macao through reality modelling to preserve them. As the preliminary result of the project, the UM Library is the first library in Macao to offer 360-degree VR tours. ‘The VR system allows people to visit attractions that are difficult to reach, which may encourage them to visit the buildings in person. With the experience of digitalising the UM Library, we will apply our VR technology to historical buildings in Macao, including churches and temples, as they are the city’s cultural heritage,’ says Prof Wong.