
澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 26 56 人物專訪 • EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW In May 2021, the European Commission proposed the AI Act, which introduced the world’s first legal framework for AI to regulate the use of smart technologies by businesses and governments. Prof Neuwirth spared no time in studying the 108-page-long regulation, knowing it would have a significant influence on the AI industry and related market development. ‘The formulation of the AI Act is a very complicated process as it involves many deep issues beyond the law, such as human cognition and ethical issues in science,’ says Prof Neuwirth. With over 30 years of experience in contemporary global legal research, Prof Neuwirth was determined to analyse the potential risks of AI applications from a legal perspective before the law was passed. Hoping to influence international academia, he compiled his findings in the monograph The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: Regulating Subliminal AI Systems in just one year. Published by Routledge, an internationally renowned British company, the book aims to stimulate a transdisciplinary and transnational debate between students, academics, practitioners, policymakers, and citizens. How to Regulate AI In his book, Prof Neuwirth focuses on how to regulate and prohibit the use of AI systems that deploy subliminal techniques. This is also one of the key topics proposed in the AI Act of the European Commission. According to Prof Neuwirth, the convergence of AI with various related technologies, Rostam J. Neuwirth, head of the Department of Global Legal Studies at the University of Macau (UM), is a legal scholar who engages in research on a variety of contemporary global governance issues focusing on the various links between law, language, and technology. In his most recent book, he sheds light on the challenges posed by the era of artificial intelligence (AI) in an effort to stimulate a transdisciplinary and transnational debate among readers. Filling the Gap of AI Regulation If Siri is one day able to perceive the world the way humans do on an emotional, intellectual, and spiritual level, and develops the capacity to influence our behaviour through interactions, how should the AI technology be regulated? Prof Neuwirth has studied this issue in recent years. AI technology has developed rapidly in recent years. Transcending the boundaries of time and space, the technology can be used for both good and evil purposes and therefore poses an unprecedented challenge to regulators. According to Prof Neuwirth, while we will soon enter a future in which AI is everywhere and easy enough to use, the current laws governing AI were drafted to address more specific issues such as databases, personal data protection, autonomous driving, and algorithmic trading and are not adequate to cover the overall impact of AI on society as a whole. Therefore, in order to regulate AI, future legislation must keep up with the times and adapt to the changes. Rostam J. Neuwirth教授多門法律課程 Prof Rostam J. Neuwirth teaches various courses in law