
澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 26 70 書院發展 • RC DEVELOPMENT college traditions such as our African Drum team, our cheerleading team, etc. The second tenet of the CKYC Tripod is ‘Citizenship with Global Awareness’. CKYC has established partnerships with colleges across mainland China and overseas. All the students who have participated in the mutual exchange visits and joint study tours have expressed appreciation of the broadening of their perspectives and valuable multi-cultural teamwork experiences. The third tenet of the CKYC Tripod is a ‘Caring Community’. The college’s partnership with Bia Sha Primary School provides students with service-learning experiences. Our students also engage in charity work and community services in Macao. Within the college, we encourage self-governance in the organisation of hostel life. A Living Learning Community For me, it is most heart-warming when confident upper-year students – shy teenagers just a couple of years ago – approach me with eager ideas for how CKYC can provide a more meaningful experience for newly-admitted students. It is gratifying that the college and the students can support each other as we grow together. At CKYC, we strive to provide a nurturing milieu for the students’ enrichment and development. Through their college experiences, we hope students will realise that every activity is a learning experience, and learning does not end with the completion of their university degree, but is a mindset that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. 梁美兒教授是澳大蔡繼有書院院長,分別於哈佛大學、牛津大學和麻省理工學院取得學士、碩士和博士學位,在運 輸和優化研究方面卓有成就。過去數十年來大多數時間在書院制大學學習和任職,堅信書院為學生提供的學習環 境有其深遠的意義。 Prof Janny Leung is the college master of Choi Kai Yau College at UM. She obtained an SB degree in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University, an MA in Mathematics from the University of Oxford, and a PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is a renowned researcher in transportation and optimisation. Having studied and worked in collegiate universities for most of her career, she is a strong believer in the value of the learning environment that a college can provide. 「書院發展」為投稿欄目,內容僅代表作者個人意見。 RC Development is a submission column. The views expressed are solely those of the author(s). 澳大於2010年引入住宿式書院系統。書院作為多元文化與多元學科融會貫通的知識整合學習平台,致力培養學生具有公民 責任心、全球競爭力、知識整合能力、團隊協作、服務與領導、文化參與和健康生活的七項勝任力。 UM launched its residential college (RC) system in 2010 to create a multicultural and multidisciplinary learning platform for knowledge integration. RC education aims to cultivate seven competencies of students, namely responsible citizenship, global competitiveness, knowledge integration, teamwork and collaboration, service and leadership, cultural engagement, and healthy lifestyle. 住宿式書院系統網站 Website of the Residential College System 梁美兒教授在大學接觸划艇運動並加入校隊。圖為她33年後與劍橋大學克萊爾學堂師生一同划艇。 Prof Janny Leung rows for Clare Hall at the University of Cambridge, 33 years after she joined a rowing team at university to learn a new sport.