
澳大新語 • 2022 UMAGAZINE 26 72 書院發展 • RC DEVELOPMENT 籃球、足球、啦啦隊、羽毛球和乒乓球等項目。我 們為體育活動投入大量資源,擁有合資格的教練 和優良的體育設備,也為書院體育隊伍提供品格方 面的引導。我們每個學期都舉辦林林總總的體育活 動,遍及各類專業訓練和餘暇體驗,由學生按興趣 選擇。在過去學年的呂志和書院體育日,吸引超過 100名學生參加,除了參與籃球和羽毛球等熱門項目 競賽,也體驗了網球、健球、壁球、躲避球和慢跑 等項目。此外,不少學生也參加了由銀河娛樂集團 資助的迷你馬拉松。 籃球、足球和啦啦隊等團體活動尤其有助學生發展 互動技能、團隊建立能力和領導才能,並有助他們 建立分析和策略性思考能力。在這些隊際體育活動 中,同輩的互動無疑是課堂以外一個交流資訊和分 享知識的絕佳平台,也能讓學生從中發展出日後能 應用於職場的社交技巧。 恆常運動,特別是參與團體競賽,無疑是積極的精 神能量泉源。這些活動能提升學生對書院和大學的 歸屬感,以及培養作為負責任公民應有的價值觀。 體育活動也有助書院教職員與學生在較輕鬆的環境 下互動,強化學生與書院的聯繫。書院的教職員常 與學生參與各類體育活動,不但一同訓練,也會在 院際比賽時為他們熱烈打氣。同時,我們也會悉心 指引學生在學習和參與活動中取得平衡。 未來計劃 體育活動在大學和住宿式書院教育擔當重要角色。 體育不僅能令一個人有更堅強的品格、有益身心, 還能使人在課堂外學到受用一生的技能。我們希望 將來推出高爾夫球、欖球、排球、健球等更多體育 項目,也計劃邀請出色的教練,藉以提升現有體育 活動的水平。這些舉措正源於我們的願景——孕育 具競爭力和放眼全球的新一代領袖之才。 師生參加2021銀河娛樂澳門國際馬拉松 Students and college staff join the 2021 Galaxy Entertainment Macao International Marathon 師生在啦啦隊比賽合照 Students and college teaching staff in a cheerleading competition Lui Che Woo College (LCWC) at the University of Macau (UM) strives to become a place students can call home. This is reflected in the culture of the residential college (RC) and the college motto ‘We Are Family!’ LCWC also values academic excellence, leadership development, and diversity, offering various programmes to enhance students’ confidence, conviction, and competitiveness. Among these programmes are sports activities, which play a pivotal role in RC education at our college. Positive Impact of Sports The RCs at UM are important platforms upon which the university realises its visions for whole-person education. At LCWC, we are dedicated to whole-person education and care about the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of our students. Just like the parents of a typical family, LCWC staff are committed to creating a home where ‘our children’ (students) can thrive personally, academically, and professionally, as well as acquire important qualities they need to become successful leaders. LCWC’s emphasis of sports is consistent with at least three of the seven competencies advocated by the university’s RC education model, namely Healthy Lifestyle, Service and Leadership, and Teamwork