
RC DEVELOPMENT • 書院發展 2022 UMAGAZINE 26 • 澳大新語 73 and Collaboration. Previous research has shown that students’ engagement in sports during their university years can promote their success not only in school, but also in later life. Studies on university students have also found that engagement in sports will create a positive impact on their academic outcomes, such as better teamwork in group projects and higher grades. Playing sports also has many positive effects on university students, not only on their body, but also on their mind. Regular participation in sports helps to strengthen a student’s mental and emotional capital, including concentration, self-confidence, and self-esteem. Students can develop a stronger internal locus of control and a greater tolerance to both physical and mental stress. In addition, as failures in sports activities and competitions are not uncommon, students can cultivate perseverance and determination through frequent sports training and competitions. All of this helps to strengthen the resilience of students, which is crucial to their mental development, especially during the epidemic – ‘What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.’ Developing Multiple Skills through Sports Sports involvement is highly encouraged and valued at LCWC. Every year, students are recruited for the annual inter-college competitions held by the UM Committee on Inter-College Affairs, where they compete with members of other RCs in sports such as basketball, football, cheerleading, badminton, and table tennis. LCWC not only provides ample resources, including qualified coaches and sports equipment, for students with an interest in sports, but also offers moral guidance for members of the college sports teams. In addition, each semester our college organises a wide range of sports activities, including professional training and recreational games, which students can choose to participate in freely based on their interests. In the previous academic year, more than 100 LCWC students joined the college’s Sports Day. During the event, in addition to popular sports such as basketball, badminton, table tennis, and football, the college staff and student leaders organised activities of tennis, Kin-Ball, squash, dodgeball, and jogging. In addition, many LCWC students participated in a mini-marathon sponsored by the Galaxy Entertainment Group. Team sports, including basketball, football, and cheerleading, provide opportunities for students to foster interaction, teamwork, leadership skills, as well as analytical and strategic thinking skills. In addition, interaction with peers through team sports often leads to the sharing of useful information and knowledge outside the classroom, which can cultivate social skills indispensable to students in their professional careers in the future. Regular participation in sports, especially team sports, is also a fruitful source of positive mental energy. It can not only strengthen students’ sense of belonging and contribution to their RCs and the university, but also instil the value of responsible citizenship in them. Sports activities also provide a platform for college staff and students to interact in an informal setting. Indeed, LCWC staff and affiliates often engage with students during sporting activities. They train together with the students and passionately cheer for them at inter-college 網球訓練 A tennis training session 乒乓球訓練 A table tennis training session