
專題探討 TOPIC INSIGHT Subtle Nourishment: UM’s Exploration and Reform of Residential College Education 潤物細無聲:澳大書院教育的探索與變革 31 心靈重於科技:於興中探求理想社會框架 Mind over Machines: Yu Xingzhong’s Pursuit for an Ideal Social Framework 人物專訪 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 47 袁毓林:研究語言學的終極性走向是人文關懷 Yuan Yulin: The Ultimate Goal of Linguistics Research is to Benefit Humanity 53 腸道菌群戰:RhsP毒素在海鮮食物中毒的角色 Exploring the Gut Microbial Warfare: RhsP Toxin in Seafood-Induced Food Poisoning 極子研究開拓二維材料潛能 Polarons: A Key to Unlocking the Potential of 2D Materials 學術研究 ACADEMIC RESEARCH 59 63 以書院為家 心懷天下 Residential College — A Home for Worldly-Minded Students 書院發展 RC DEVELOPMENT 67 71 Giving Life to Life — The Meaning of Experiential Learning Chao Kuang Piu College’s ‘Me to We’ Outdoor Leadership Programme 「給生命‧生命」——體驗與生命之連結 曹光彪書院Me to We戶外領袖冒險計劃 Enhancing Targeted Cancer Therapy with Supramolecular Technology 超分子技術提升癌症靶向治療 41