
澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 27 58 人物專訪 • EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 袁毓林教授為澳大通識課程學生主講《語言表達的藝術面面觀》 Prof Yuan Yulin gives a talk on the art of linguistic expression to students in a general education course at UM These are the inherent qualities of esteemed scholars in Chinese studies, and they provide the cultural capital for our students to explore the world after graduation,’ he says. When he is not working, Prof Yuan spends most of his time reading books, and he has accumulated a wealth of knowledge from different disciplines. He has compiled a recommended reading list for students in the department and often shares articles with them. ‘We read because we are driven by our interest and curiosity. The next step is to examine the content with a critical eye to develop our insights,’ he says. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the Chinese language and literature, Prof Yuan stresses the importance of developing a deep appreciation for the unique characteristics of Chinese culture and civilisation. ‘Students should consider two perspectives,’ says Prof Yuan. ‘Firstly, they should broaden their knowledge of the world and keep themselves updated on global events to avoid developing a narrow-minded perspective. Secondly, they should analyse Chinese civilisation in the context of global civilisation and compare its strengths and weaknesses. By observing and experiencing the value of Chinese civilisation through the lens of human civilisation and global history, students can identify how Chinese civilisation should evolve to regain its vitality in the future.’ on semantic reasoning models for explainable AI and their mechanisms. At the plaque unveiling ceremony for UM’s Centre for Linguistics held in March 2022, Prof Yuan gave his first academic lecture at the university. Titled ‘Polarity in the Semantics of Adjectives and Relevant Syntactic Conditions’, the lecture discussed how human sensory mechanisms affect the meaning and use of adjectives in a language. Cultivating the Cultural Character of Students in the Department Prof Yuan proposes cultivating the cultural character of ’seeking the truth and appreciating goodness’ in students of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. He also believes that students in the department should ‘develop an erudite temperament and build a wealth of knowledge’. The department hopes to achieve these goals through academic and research activities. Prof Yuan adds that members of cultural circles often consider knowledge as the key to nurturing young adults, as it can develop their moral character: ‘For this reason, I hope our students will continue to absorb knowledge, cultivate humanistic qualities, refine their character, and respect life and dignity. I also hope that they will explore the richness of the human world, search for the meaning of existence, and eventually find the value of life.