
TOPIC INSIGHT • 專題探討 2023 UMAGAZINE 28 • 澳大新語 29 另一方面,市面的光伏電池通常以多晶矽為原材料,提 煉時高污染、高耗能、高成本,而澳大基於鈣鈦礦材料 開發的光伏器件則能用低溫印刷方式大面積製備,成本 低廉。其中,最新開發的「純相準二維鈣鈦礦薄膜」使 用柔軟輕便的鈣鈦礦材料,可透過噴霧列印在背包或衣 服上,進行穩定、高效的太陽能儲電。這種鈣鈦礦光伏 器件在光電轉換率的關鍵指標上在市場有領先地位,正 對接資本作大規模生產。 腫瘤免疫治療新技術 治療癌症的難處之一在於癌細胞能通過免疫逃逸機 制,逃脫免疫系統追殺。澳大研發的新型碳納米點 材料能快捷、準確地對癌細胞的蛋白「整容」,使 其與正常蛋白有所區別,引發人體免疫系統的免疫反 應,清除癌細胞。研究團隊已初步完成碳量子點材 料的標準化生產工藝,並與國藥集團合作,於粵澳合 作中醫藥科技產業園完成碳量子點材料標準化生產的 GMP(藥品生產質量管理規範)實驗室規劃。 支撐高新技術產業 澳大已透過研發中心將多個先進材料項目與本 地、外地的企業和社會資本談判對接,以提高科 技成果轉化落地的效率,並支撐未來重大工程和 高新技術產業的發展。研發中心將把握橫琴粵澳 深度合作區的政策優勢,加快科研成果產業化, 助力澳門發展新材料產業,並促使更多澳大科技 用於灣區高新產業,為提升國家和澳門的科技實 力貢獻澳大的力量。 With the rapid development of emerging industries such as next-generation information technology, new energy sources, and smart manufacturing, society’s demand for quality materials has also increased. For this reason, the University of Macau (UM) has established the Macao Centre for Research and Development in Advanced Materials, whose mission is to foster technological innovation and the commercialisation of advanced materials, and to emphasise green practices, low carbon, refinement, and efficiency in Macao’s advanced materials industry. Laying the Foundation for R&D Advancement The new wave of technological and industrial revolution has led to unprecedented innovation in science and technology worldwide. Meanwhile, advanced materials with superior performance have become essential to the development of high-tech industries, smart cities, and urban infrastructure in Macao and mainland China. Advanced materials are developed using cutting-edge technologies and most exhibit characteristics such as high performance, high durability, low defect rates, low cost, and multi-functionality. They not only lay the groundwork for the transformation and upgrading of all industries but also serve as a cornerstone of sustainable urban development. Therefore, related research and development (R&D) work holds immense significance. 湯子康教授 Prof Tang Zikang Advanced materials have long been at the heart of UM’s research layout. In 2014, the university established the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering (IAPME). The institute brings together innovative scholars from world-renowned universities and research institutes in the United States, Europe, Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong to form a strong interdisciplinary team. Building on quantum mechanics, atomic theory, and solid-state physics, the team is committed to developing key technologies for advanced materials. After nearly