
澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 28 32 專題探討 • TOPIC INSIGHT useful for plants grown in high-altitude, arid, or tropical environments. The production cost of the sunscreen is 70 per cent less than that of imported products available on the market, and notably, it is more effective. With a good value proposition, the sunscreen is in pilot production. Facilitating Energy Transition With Advanced Materials The development of clean energy is a crucial step in the global energy transition and in the building of a ‘green Macao’. In light of this, UM has developed a catalyst that can split hydrogen from photo-/electro-catalytic water. The catalyst can maintain its stability and efficiency under high electric current, which meets the requirements of water electrolysis for the industrial production of ‘green hydrogen’. In addition, it has the advantages of low preparation cost, long service life, and an environmentally friendly production process. The catalyst has been put into mass production and is being pilot tested for large-scale hydrogen production in the mainland, promoting energy transition from fossil fuels. On the other hand, photovoltaic cells generally use polysilicon as a raw material, which is highly polluting, energy intensive, and costly to refine. In contrast, UM’s photovoltaic solar cells are developed using perovskite materials and can be mass-produced through low-temperature printing at low cost. It is worth noting that the university’s newly developed phase-pure quasi two-dimensional (2D) metal-halide perovskites are also made of perovskite materials, which are flexible and light in weight. The perovskites can be printed onto backpacks or clothes by aerosol spraying, providing stable and efficient solar energy storage. UM’s perovskite solar cells occupy a market-leading position in terms of photovoltaic conversion rate, and the research team is in the process of securing funding for mass production. Pioneering Technologies for Tumour Immunotherapy Cancer is difficult to treat because cancer cells can evade immune system attacks through immune escape. The new carbon quantum dot developed by UM can ‘facelift’ the proteins of cancer cells so that they no longer resemble normal proteins, thereby triggering the patient’s immune response against the cancer cells and eliminating them. The research team has completed the standardised production process of the carbon quantum dot material. The team has also completed planning for a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice of Medical Products) laboratory for the production of the material. The laboratory will be located in the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Cooperation between Guangdong and Macao in collaboration with Sinopharm, a Chinese state-owned enterprise. Supporting the High-Tech Industries Through the centre, UM’s advanced materials projects have established connections with local and foreign businesses and social capital. This facilitates the commercialisation of research results and supports future major construction projects and the development of high-tech industries. The centre will leverage the policy advantages of the Guangdong-Macao In-depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, accelerate the industrialisation of research results, and help Macao develop its advanced materials industry. This will enable more UM technologies to serve the high-tech industry in the GBA and contribute to the technological strength of Macao and the country. 澳大開發的新型超級水凝膠 The innovative super hydrogel developed by UM