
澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 28 44 人物專訪 • EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW from bustling modern neighbourhoods to the historic district, from the glittering Cotai Strip to the serene allure of Coloane. And, as you reach the UM campus, it feels like stepping into a peaceful paradise. It is genuinely mesmerising how every turn reveals a different scenery,’ he says. Prof Li served as academic advisor to the exhibition ‘From Courbet, Corot to Impressionism—The World of Light and Shadow from Normandy, France’ held in Beijing in 2021. He is now planning to bring this exhibition to UM in 2024. The exhibition will feature a selection of works by renowned French Impressionists such as Monet and Boudin, alongside celebrated artists from the realms of French Realism and the Barbizon school such as Courbet and Corot. The selected pieces will mainly include seascape paintings of Normandy in France. In addition, Prof Li wants to introduce a Macao-themed session titled ‘Beyond the Sea’, showcasing works by artists from Macao. Looking ahead, Prof Li hopes to incorporate Macao’s unique history into UM’s art programmes and seek more resources for student creative endeavours. He says, ‘In UM’s Department of Arts and Design, an environment that fosters multimedia and interdisciplinary art learning and research, our goal is to nurture contemporary artists who excel in integrating Chinese and Western, ancient and contemporary cultures, and possess the ability to work across diverse mediums. In doing so, we strive to connect Macao’s arts with the global community.’ or binary opposition. ‘In the field of art, each piece of work is a “representation” that signifies the artist’s endeavour to reconstruct and reconceptualise the world they perceive,’ he explains. ‘For me, art is a re-presentation of life. It is a common desire for humans to experience life anew. Art bridges the gap between reality and ideals, and is the very medium through which we depict our ideal world.’ Prof Li believes that everyday life is entangled with contradictions, such as the tug-of-war between self-consciousness and the unconscious mind. ‘Against this backdrop, the true value of art lies not in eradicating the abnormalities in life but in orchestrating a delicate balance of the contrasting forces within a single artwork,’ he says. ‘Therefore, art is more of an imagined resolution rather than a direct solution to various conflicts. Through the representation of the conflicts, art allows people to perceive one another’s emotions and thoughts in an inclusive and compromising manner.’ Multiculturalism Inspiring Artistic Creation Prof Li, who first set foot in Macao in 2020, has a unique affection for the city. One of the reasons is that Macao resembles the European cities with which he is familiar, where there are no clear boundaries between old and modern buildings. For instance, the Na Tcha Temple sits right next to the Ruins of St Paul’s, which is neighboured by residential buildings. This kind of urban landscape is rare in mainland China. ‘Driving around the Macao Peninsula, Taipa, and Coloane, one can see how the scenery changes 2021年,「從庫爾貝、柯羅到印象派——來自法國諾曼第光影世界·真跡展」在北京舉行,李軍教授擔任其學術顧問。(圖片來源:中央美術學院網站) Prof Li Jun was academic advisor to the exhibition ‘From Courbet, Corot to Impressionism—The World of Light and Shadow from Normandy, France’ held in Beijing in 2021. (Credit: Website of the Central Academy of Fine Arts)