
專題探討 TOPIC INSIGHT Transforming Innovative Materials Into Life-Improving Products 將創新材料轉化成改善生活的產品 27 Fuelling Green Innovation With Pioneering Technology 嶄新科技推動綠色創新 33 人物專訪 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW 李軍:藝術是心與手構築的理想世界 Li Jun: Art is an Ideal World Crafted by Heart and Hands 39 Nick Groom:引領學生尋找經典文學的價值 Nick Groom: Leading Students to Discover the Value of Classic Literature 45 在歐盟戰略自主下,中國投資者將會面臨甚麼? The European Union’s Strategic Autonomy: What Does It Mean for Chinese Investors? 51 WALL-E與現實:為何災難應對機器人不能激勵我們 WALL-E vs. Reality: Why Disaster Response Robots Don’t Inspire Us 55 電子皮膚——未來的可穿戴人機交互界面 Electronic Skin: Wearable Interactive Interface for the Future 59 學術研究 ACADEMIC RESEARCH 書院發展 RC DEVELOPMENT 何鴻燊東亞書院多元與持續性並重的社會服務 Diversity and Sustainability of Social Services at Stanley Ho East Asia College 63 愛的果實是服務,服務的果實是成長——霍英東珍禧書院服務學習項目 The Fruit of Love Is Service; the Fruit of Service Is Growth: Henry Fok Pearl Jubilee College’s Service-Learning Programmes 67