
學術研究 • ACADEMIC RESEARCH 澳大新語 • 2023 UMAGAZINE 28 62 「學術研究」為投稿欄目,內容僅代表作者個人意見。 Academic Research is a contribution column. The views expressed are solely those of the author(s). for trajectory mapping, robot control, digital password input, and Morse code communication, among others. Throughout the application process, the wearable patch demonstrated robustness, humidity resistance, accuracy, and universal applicability. We expect that this wearable patch can provide a new solution to meet the ever-growing demand for effective HMI in flexible and wearable electronics. The related research results were recently published in the Chemical Engineering Journal. the orientation and arrangement of magnetised micropillars. Based on the number and polarity of voltage peaks, the interface can perceive the in-plane forces in the +X, -X, +Y, and -Y directions with non-overlapping readouts. As a result, the wearable interface requires only one communication channel and two electrodes to distinguish mechanical input from four different directions. Wearable Patch: From Intelligent Control to Entertainment A wearable HMI system should be lightweight and low-power in order to be user-friendly, and our design satisfies these requirements. Additionally, the electric connection and communication method are important considerations in assessing the practicability of HMI systems. While some researchers use wearable sensor arrays as the HMI interface, this approach inevitably brings concerns about power consumption and space occupied due to the multiple electric connections and communication channels involved. In contrast, as our design can produce non-overlapping signals according to different force directions, only one communication channel is required to complete the signal interaction process. To evaluate the multiple functions of the wearable patch, we developed the application interfaces 迷宮遊戲演示:使用貼在皮膚上的可穿戴界面展示一個迷宮遊戲。以不同方式 掃動微柱組件可產生兩條不同的遊戲路線。 Demonstration of maze game using an on-skin wearable interface: two routes can be easily produced by sweeping the micropillar assembly in different directions 方丹是澳門大學應用物理及材料工程研究院博士研究生,本研究的論文第一作者,研究集中於柔性感測 器和智能材料。 Fang Dan is a PhD candidate in the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering at the University of Macau. She is the first author of the related publication. Her research interests include flexible sensors and smart materials. 周冰樸是澳門大學應用物理及材料工程研究院副教授,擁有香港科技大學納米科學與技術博士學位,其 研究領域包括柔性電子學、可穿戴設備和智能界面。 Zhou Bingpu is an associate professor in the Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering at the University of Macau. He holds a PhD in Nano Science and Technology from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. His research interests include flexible electronics, wearable devices, and smart interfaces.